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Advanced Travel Route Planner

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Welcome to the Advanced Travel Route Planner! This prompt is designed to assist you in creating and planning personalized travel routes for your next adventure. Whether you're exploring a new city or embarking on a road trip, our AI-powered route planner is here to optimize your journey with efficiency and excitement. Customize your travel preferences, destinations, modes of transportation, and more to curate the perfect itinerary for an unforgettable travel experience.
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10 months ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3 (text-davinci-002)
Token size
85 ($0.00170 / call)
Example input
User: I'm planning a trip to Europe in the summer. I want to visit (Paris), (Rome), and (Barcelona). I prefer traveling by (train) and would like to include some iconic (landmarks) in my itinerary.
Example output
AI: Fantastic choice! Here's your personalized travel itinerary for your European adventure: Day 1: Depart from (Your Origin City). Arrive in Paris, France via train. Visit the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral. Day 2: Travel from Paris to Rome by high-speed train. Explore the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Vatican City. Day 3: Take a scenic train ride from Rome to Barcelona. Visit Sagrada Família, Park Güell, and La Rambla. Day 4: Enjoy a free day to explore Barcelona's hidden gems or relax on the beach. Day 5: Depart from Barcelona back to (Your Origin City) or continue your journey to other European cities.
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