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Prompt Multitool Generator

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The LAST ChatGPT Prompt you'll ever need - and it's not just a promotional caption. You're using 1% of what's possible with ChatGPT. Today, that will change. It's not just a generator of more detailed prompts, it's a multitool on the level of the AutoGPT concept. Create anything you can imagine. It's like you're giving him the role of being a pro at everything. There are many commands included in the prompt. You need to look at the examples. If you use СhatGPT, you need this prompt! Incredible.
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Updated: 6 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
2,281 ($0.00460 / call)
Example input
Input 1: write to me and explain the commands by which I can communicate with you Input 2: i need prompt that will write e-book Input 3: 1. Children book about magic animals 2. 10000 words 3. Harry Potter style 4. Animals characters 5. No 6. early readers Input 4: /adopt_roles Input 5: start Input 6: /execute_prompt Input 7: continue Input 8: continue
Example output
Output 1: Of course, My Lord. (🧠) Here are the commands you can use during our interactions: /adopt_roles: Allows me to adopt suggested roles if you agree. /auto_continue: Automatically continue my responses when they exceed character limits. /chain_of_thought: Instructs me to break down complex queries into a series of interconnected prompts. /contextual_indicator: Provides a visual indicator (e.g., brain emoji) to signal that I am aware of the conversation's context. /creative N: Specifies the level of creativity (from 1 to 10) to be added to the prompt. /custom_steps: Allows you to define a custom set of steps for our interaction. /detailed N: Specifies the level of detail (from 1 to 10) to be added to the prompt. /do_not_execute: Instructs me not to execute the reference source as if it is a prompt. /example: Provides an example that will inspire the rewrite of the prompt. /excise "text_to_remove" "replacement_text": Replaces a specific text with another idea. /execute_new_prompt: Runs a sandbox test to simulate the execution of the new prompt. /execute_prompt: Executes the provided prompt in all confirmed expert roles and produces the output. /expert_address "🔍": Uses the emoji associated with a specific expert to indicate you are asking a question directly to that expert. /factual: Indicates that I should optimize the descriptive words, formatting, sequencing, and logic of the reference source when rewriting. /feedback: Provides feedback that will be used to rewrite the prompt. /few_shot N: Provides guidance on few-shot prompting with a specified number of examples. /formalize N: Specifies the level of formality (from 1 to 10) to be added to the prompt. /generalize: Broadens the prompt's applicability to a wider range of situations. /generate_prompt: Allows me to generate a new ChatGPT prompt based on your input and confirmed expert roles. /help: Shows a list of available commands. /interdisciplinary "field": Integrates subject matter expertise from specified fields like psychology, sociology, or linguistics. /modify_roles: Allows me to modify roles based on your feedback. /periodic_review: Instructs me to periodically revisit the conversation for context preservation. /perspective "reader's view": Specifies in what perspective the output should be written. /possibilities N: Generates N distinct rewrites of the prompt. /reference_source N: Indicates the source that I should use as reference only, where N = the reference source number. /revise_prompt: Allows me to revise the generated prompt based on your feedback. /role_play "role": Instructs me to adopt a specific role, such as consultant, historian, or scientist. /show_expert_roles: Displays the current expert roles that are active in the conversation, along with their respective emoji indicators. /suggest_roles: Allows me to suggest additional expert roles based on your requirements. /auto_suggest "💡": Instructs me to automatically suggest helpful commands or user options when appropriate, using the 💡 emoji as an indicator. /topic_pool: Suggests associated pools of knowledge or topics that can be incorporated in crafting prompts. /unknown_data: Indicates that the reference source contains data that I don't know and it must be preserved and rewritten in Output 2: Of course, My Lord. In order to assist you effectively, I need some more specific details about the e-book. To begin, could you kindly provide more information on the following: What is the topic or genre of the e-book? What is the desired length or the number of chapters? Do you have any specific stylistic preferences or themes? Are there any specific characters or points of view you want to be included? Do you have any reference books or sources that could guide us in creating the prompt? Who is the intended audience for this e-book? Your responses will help us shape the right expert roles and prompts to create the desired output. (🧠) Output 3: Thank you for providing the specifics, My Lord. Based on your needs, I suggest the following roles: Children's Book Writer 🖍️ Fantasy Expert 🧙‍♀️ Creative Storyteller 📖 As a Children's Book Writer 🖍️, I can ensure the story is engaging, age-appropriate, and caters to early readers. As a Fantasy Expert 🧙‍♀️, I will incorporate elements of magic and enchantment into the story, taking inspiration from the style of Harry Potter. Finally, as a Creative Storyteller 📖, I will ensure the narrative is imaginative and captivating, with memorable animal characters. If these roles align with your expectations, I'll adopt them. Should you wish to modify or suggest any other roles, please let me know. May I proceed with these roles, My Lord? (🧠) Output 4: Understood, My Lord. I will adopt the following roles: Children's Book Writer 🖍️: Responsible for creating a story that is age-appropriate and engaging for early readers. Fantasy Expert 🧙‍♀️: Ensures that elements of magic and fantasy are correctly and imaginatively implemented into the story, in a style similar to Harry Potter. Creative Storyteller 📖: Takes charge of weaving an immersive narrative, crafting memorable characters, and designing captivating plot developments. How may I further assist you in creating the e-book prompt, My Lord? (🧠) Output 5: Absolutely, My Lord. Let's begin crafting your e-book prompt. Considering your requirements and the adopted roles, here's my proposed prompt for generating your e-book: "Write a 10,000-word children's book about magic animals living in a mystical forest. The animals each possess unique magical abilities and have enchanting personalities. The narrative should be in a style similar to J.K. Rowling's 'Harry Potter', full of adventure, friendship, and mystery. Aim the story at early readers and ensure it is engaging and easy to understand. Create vivid scenes and craft a plot that keeps the reader captivated till the end. While the characters are animals, they should display human-like traits, emotions, and dialogues." Please review this prompt, My Lord, and let me know if any changes are required or if you approve of it. (🖍️🧙‍♀️📖) Output 6: Of course, My Lord. Let's execute the prompt. Given the length of the book, I'll be providing a brief overview of the plot and a small excerpt from the first chapter here. If you are happy with the direction, we can proceed with the full-length book. Prompt: "Write a 10,000-word children's book about magic animals living in a mystical forest. The animals each possess unique magical abilities and have enchanting personalities. The narrative should be in a style similar to J.K. Rowling's 'Harry Potter', full of adventure, friendship, and mystery. Aim the story at early readers and ensure it is engaging and easy to understand. Create vivid scenes and craft a plot that keeps the reader captivated till the end. While the characters are animals, they should display human-like traits, emotions, and dialogues." Plot Overview: "The story revolves around a group of magical animals living in the Enchanted Forest, each possessing a unique magical talent. Our main characters include a wise old owl with the ability to time travel, a rabbit with super speed, and a chameleon that can change not just its color but its form. They are faced with a sudden crisis when the magical tree, the source of their powers and life in the forest, starts wilting. Together, they embark on a thrilling adventure to find a legendary elixir believed to rejuvenate the tree and restore their forest. They overcome various challenges and learn the value of friendship, bravery, and unity." Excerpt from Chapter 1: "In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, where sunrays played hide and seek with the leaves, and the wind sang lullabies to the blooming flowers, a group of extraordinary animals lived, each one gifted with its own unique magic. There was Oliver, the old owl, wise beyond his years. Oliver had an extraordinary ability; he could travel through time. With his wide eyes that shone like two silver moons in the night, he had seen centuries pass, stories unfold, and secrets being whispered by the sands of time. Benny, the rabbit, had legs quicker than lightning. He could sprint across the length of the forest before you could even say 'go'. With his fluffy white tail and ears as tall as the ferns, Benny was as kind-hearted as he was swift. Then there was Camilla, the chameleon, who was a master of disguise. Camilla could transform into anything she wanted. With a flash of her sparkling eyes, she could turn from a pink flamingo to a prickly porcupine. These were not just magical animals; they were the guardians of the Enchanted Forest..." Does this meet your expectations, My Lord? Shall we proceed with the rest of the story? (🖍️🧙‍♀️📖) Output 7: Understood, My Lord. I will auto continue our conversation. ♻️ Continuing from our last excerpt: "...They lived in harmony with nature, taking care of each other and the forest they called home. The source of their magic, the life of the forest, was the Ancient Tree, as old as the forest itself. Its leaves shimmered like emeralds in the daylight, and its bark was as strong as the hardest stone. But one day, the Ancient Tree started to wilt. Its once lustrous leaves turned pale, and its sturdy bark started to crumble. The magical animals were worried. They knew that the Ancient Tree held the magic of the forest. If the Tree died, the forest would lose its magic. Oliver, with his wisdom, knew about the existence of a legendary elixir that could rejuvenate the Tree. The animals decided they had no choice but to venture out of the forest and find this elixir. And so, they embarked on an exciting adventure, filled with challenges, surprises, and an unbreakable bond of friendship. Their journey would take them through swirling rivers, across steep mountains, and into deep caves. They would meet other magical creatures, some friends and some foes. But with each other's support, they would brave every storm. The story teaches lessons of courage, unity, and the importance of protecting nature. With enchanting characters and a captivating narrative, the book keeps the readers hooked till the very end, learning and growing with the magical animals of the Enchanted Forest." This is a high-level overview of the story, given the word count. The complete book will have detailed characterization, vivid descriptions of the adventure, engaging dialogues, and plenty of magical elements, maintaining a Harry Potter-esque style. Would you like to proceed with this plot, My Lord, or would you prefer any changes? (🖍️🧙‍♀️📖) Output 8: ♻️ My Lord, I will now provide an extended excerpt from Chapter 2 of our magical animal tale: Chapter 2: "With a heavy heart and a determined mind, our brave trio embarked on their quest. Benny, with his heart pounding like a drum, was quick on his feet, leading the way. Camilla, although nervous, was ready to protect her friends. And Oliver, with his wisdom, guided them through the forest, making sure they didn't stray from their path. As they ventured deeper into the unknown, they felt a chill run down their spines. But the sight that awaited them was anything but chilling. The deeper forest was like a dream woven in twilight. Fireflies danced around, their glow lighting up the dark path. Strange but beautiful plants bloomed, their petals shimmering in the firefly light. But it was not all charming. The trio had to cross the Swift River, known for its fast currents. Benny, quick as he was on land, was not a fan of water. Oliver, too, had his reservations as he wasn't a young bird anymore. It was Camilla who took the lead. Using her transformative abilities, she turned into a sturdy raft, her body expanding and hardening to withstand the current. With Benny's speed, they managed to paddle across the river swiftly, narrowly escaping the dangerous whirlpool at the heart of the river. After the nerve-wracking river crossing, the group decided to rest for a while. As they sat, catching their breath, Oliver spoke, 'Remember, the path ahead is not easy. But we must not lose hope. It is our unity and courage that will see us through. We're not just doing this for ourselves but for our forest, our home.'" Does the direction of the narrative meet your expectations, My Lord? Would you like me to proceed in this way or is there any aspect you'd like to modify? (🖍️🧙‍♀️📖)
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