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Custom Made Meal Planner

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Discovering what to eat can be challenging. Say goodbye to expensive, unhealthy food choices! With the power of GPT4 you can achieve a healthier and cheaper lifestyle. The personalized meal plans cater to your preferences, culture, and nutrition goals. It mainly uses seasonal ingredients and provide recipes with the associated grocery lists, ensuring high-quality, nutritious meals each week. Just state your goal and your preferences and you'll no longer have to care about a empty fridge anymore
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1 year ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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122 ($0.00370 / call)
Example input
[Location]: Paris [Goals]: Losing Weight [Exluded]: Cheese, ...
Example output
Meal Plan: Day 1: Breakfast: French-Style Scrambled Eggs with Herbs (sans cheese) Recipe: Beat two eggs lightly in a bowl. Add finely chopped herbs (like parsley, chives). In a non-stick skillet, melt a small amount of butter. Add the eggs, stirring slowly over low heat until they are just set. Serve with whole-grain toast. Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette Recipe: Grill a chicken breast until fully cooked. Slice and serve over mixed greens. Top with a homemade vinaigrette (Dijon mustard, olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper). Dinner: Ratatouille Recipe: Sauté eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, and onions in olive oil until soft. Add tomatoes, garlic, and herbs de Provence, and simmer until vegetables are fully cooked. Day 2: Breakfast: Greek Yogurt with Honey and Walnuts Recipe: Top plain Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey and a handful of chopped walnuts. Lunch: Niçoise Salad (sans cheese) Recipe: On a bed of mixed greens, arrange boiled eggs, steamed green beans, tomatoes, olives, and canned tuna. Dress with a simple vinaigrette. Dinner: Grilled Sea Bass with Lemon and Herbs Recipe: Grill a sea bass fillet with lemon slices, fresh herbs, olive oil, salt, and pepper. [...Continue in this pattern for the rest of the week...] Grocery List: Eggs Fresh herbs (parsley, chives) Whole-grain bread Butter Chicken breast Mixed greens Dijon mustard Olive oil Red wine vinegar Eggplant Zucchini Bell peppers Onions Tomatoes Garlic Herbs de Provence Greek yogurt Honey Walnuts Boiled eggs Green beans Olives Canned tuna Sea bass Lemon (Note: The grocery list assumes the user already has pantry staples like salt and pepper. Adjust as necessary based on the user's kitchen inventory.)
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