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Make Viral YouTube Shorts

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🌟 Create a Viral YouTube Short script with Our Power-Packed Prompt! 🌟 Don't miss this opportunity to create a viral YouTube Short that will skyrocket your channel's success. Grab our power-packed prompt today and unlock the potential for viral greatness! Get ready to leave a lasting impact on viewers and watch your YouTube channel soar to new heights of popularity.
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10 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
107 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
Write me a script for a YouTube short on the theme of motivation.
Example output
Title: "Fuel Your Motivation in 30 Seconds" Total Video Duration: 30 seconds [Scene 1: 5 seconds] Close-up shot of a person jogging in nature, showcasing determination and focus. The voice-over begins: Voice-over: "Step outside. Embrace the possibilities." [Scene 2: 15 seconds] Quick cuts of individuals pursuing their passions, working diligently, and pushing their limits. Show a diverse range of activities related to motivation. The voice-over continues: Voice-over: "Break barriers. Chase your dreams. Be unstoppable." [Scene 3: 10 seconds] Montage of triumphant moments, people celebrating achievements, and expressions of joy and fulfillment. Showcase a variety of inspiring visuals. The voice-over concludes: Voice-over: "Embrace the journey. Inspire greatness. You have the power." End of the video. Note: Ensure that the visuals in each scene align with the corresponding voice-over sentence. Choose a captivating background music track that enhances the motivational tone. Avoid direct calls to action such as "subscribe" or "like" to keep the video simple, precise, and effective. The goal is to captivate the audience within a short timeframe and inspire them to take positive action in their lives. Additionally, include relevant hashtags that align with the video's motivational theme in the video description to improve discoverability.
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