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Media Preference Recommendations

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Discover tailored entertainment suggestions with precision. Simply specify your preferred genre, mood, or interests, and let our expert recommendations guide your next read, watch, or listen. Optimize your leisure time with curated suggestions just for you.
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3 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
55 ($0.01155 / call)
Example input
[books, movies, music, or TV shows]
Example output
Recommend [movies] based on [my preferred genre, mood, themes, or specific interests]. Additionally, consider [my preferred medium, language, release date, or any specific criteria]. For example: Preferred Genre: Science Fiction Preferred Mood: Action-packed and intense Preferred Themes: Artificial Intelligence and Dystopian Society Preferred Medium: Film Preferred Language: English Release Date: Within the last 5 years Based on your preferences, I recommend the movie "Upgrade" (2018). It's a thrilling science fiction film with intense action sequences and a dystopian backdrop. The film explores themes of artificial intelligence and the consequences of merging technology with the human body. Its English language and release date within the last 5 years align with your criteria.
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