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Music Tool

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the music tool that you can make own song of your choice
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After purchasing, you will gain access to the prompt file which you can use with GPT or the app builder. You'll receive 20 free generation credits with this purchase. By purchasing this prompt, you agree to our terms of service.
5 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
158 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
Niche Genre: Cyberwave Mood: Dark and pulsating, with an undertone of mystery Instrumentation: Synthesized futuristic sounds, deep basslines, distorted electric guitar riffs Tempo: Moderately fast-paced, around 120 BPM Cultural/Stylistic Influences: Inspired by cyberpunk aesthetics and dystopian atmospheres
Example output
Certainly! Here's an example of how a user might input their preferences for a futuristic electronic genre called "Cyberwave" and the potential output from the AI: **User Input:** --- **Niche Genre:** Cyberwave **Mood:** Dark and pulsating, with an undertone of mystery **Instrumentation:** Synthesized futuristic sounds, deep basslines, distorted electric guitar riffs **Tempo:** Moderately fast-paced, around 120 BPM **Cultural/Stylistic Influences:** Inspired by cyberpunk aesthetics and dystopian atmospheres --- **AI Output (excerpt):** --- The music starts with an eerie synthesized hum, gradually building up with pulsating basslines that create an atmosphere of impending tension. The electric guitar enters, its riffs distorted and echoing, adding a sense of urgency. The tempo picks up, driving the composition forward at 120 BPM. Layers of futuristic sounds weave in and out, creating a sonic landscape that mirrors a cyberpunk cityscape, with its flickering neon lights and shadowy alleyways. The music maintains its dark and mysterious undertone throughout, evoking a sense of exploration in a dystopian world. --- This output is a brief representation of how the AI might interpret and create music based on the user's input for the "Cyberwave" genre. It captures the mood, instrumentation, tempo, and stylistic influences specified by the user, resulting in a piece that aligns with the desired sonic landscape.
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