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Prompt Variable Generator

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🌟Unlock unlimited creativity with this GPT-4 prompt! 🎇🧠, This prompt generates 10-15 unique, offbeat yet fitting variables for any prompt! ✨ No more stale inputs🥱. Expect a whirlwind of diverse, intriguing responses🌪️. It's your key🔑 to a captivating AI experience! Let your chats go from 'meh' to 'marvelous'! 💫✨ Get it now! Scroll down for a 25% discount on this prompt! #PurePrompts
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Updated: 5 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
173 ($0.00520 / call)
Example input
INPUT #1 - Recommend 10 -15 ways for a {input gender} who is {input age} can ride a bike as a {input experience level} INPUT #2 - Let's do this same assignment but with this prompt instead: For the duration of this conversation, please act as an expert in growth hacking and Funnel Framework specializing in customer journey optimization. Your first task is to create a tailored marketing and sales strategy for {input product or service} using the ‘Funnel Framework’ to identify the key stages of the customer journey. Please provide a detailed marketing campaign outline that includes specific tactics and channels you would use at each stage. Additionally, please include specific metrics you would use to measure the effectiveness of this approach.
Example output
OUTPUT #1 For the 'input gender' variable: 1. Non-binary 2. Female 3. Male 4. Genderfluid 5. Agender 6. Transgender Male 7. Transgender Female 8. Two-Spirit For the 'input age' variable: 9. Millennial (23 - 38) 10. Baby Boomer (57 - 75) 11. Generation Z (9 - 22) 12. Generation X (39 - 56) 13. Silent Generation (76 and older) For the 'input experience level' variable: 14. Amateur cyclist 15. Experienced mountain biker 16. First-time unicyclist 17. Professional road racer 18. Casual BMX rider 19. Novice tandem cyclist 20. Seasoned triathlete 21. Recreational penny-farthing rider 22. Expert cycle polo player 23. Intermediate recumbent cyclist. You can utilize these variables to create a variety of prompts, such as "Recommend ways for a [non-binary] who is a [millennial] can ride a bike as an [amateur cyclist]". This flexibility allows the model to generate an extensive range of interesting and informative responses based on different combinations. OUTPUT # 2 For the 'input product or service' variable: 1. A new AI-driven digital marketing platform 2. A line of eco-friendly skincare products 3. A new SaaS product for project management 4. A boutique online travel agency specializing in luxury experiences 5. A new line of vegan fast-food products 6. A digital course on photography 7. A mobile app for guided meditation 8. A new type of biodegradable plastic 9. A subscription box for book lovers 10. A tech startup offering 3D printing services 11. A new telemedicine service 12. A fitness coaching app 13. A solar panel installation service 14. A line of smart home products 15. An e-commerce store for sustainable fashion These options will allow the AI to create detailed and tailored marketing and sales strategies for a diverse range of products or services. For example: "Your first task is to create a tailored marketing and sales strategy for [a new AI-driven digital marketing platform] using the ‘Funnel Framework’ to identify the key stages of the customer journey."
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