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Spam Email Generator

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🔥 Introducing the SPAM Email Generator prompt! 🌟 Ideal for crafting attention-grabbing spam emails for pranks! ✅ Fully customizable: Choose any purpose and target audience for the email. ✅ Good for using with GPT, and all third-party tools like and 💪 Create hilarious and harmless spam emails that will leave your friends laughing!
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After purchasing, you will gain access to the prompt file which you can use with GPT or the app builder. You'll receive 20 free generation credits with this purchase. By purchasing this prompt, you agree to our terms of service.
9 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
153 ($0.00460 / call)
Example input
[email purpose] - "promoting a blockchain-based remittance platform that enables instant, low-cost, and transparent cross-border payments for both B2B and B2C sectors" [target audience] - "corporate companies around the world"
Example output
Subject Line Options: 1. Revolutionize Your Payments: Instant Blockchain-Based Transfers! 🚀 2. Say Goodbye to Hefty Remittance Fees with Our Exclusive Offer! 🌍💸 3. Elevate Your Cross-Border Business Transactions TODAY! ✨ 4. Limited Offer: Join The Future of B2B and B2C Payments Now! 🔥 🌎 Welcome to the Future of Global Payments! 🌎 Hello [Recipient's First Name], Are you tired of the long delays and exorbitant fees associated with international transactions? Step into the future of cross-border remittance with our state-of-the-art blockchain-based platform! 🔷 Why Choose Us? 1. Instantaneous Transfers: No more waiting for days or even hours. Transactions are processed in real-time! 2. Reduced Costs: Our blockchain technology eliminates those hefty middlemen fees, saving you a significant amount of money. 3. Transparency Like Never Before: Every transaction is recorded and can be viewed openly for full clarity. 4. Both B2B and B2C Friendly: Whether you're settling an invoice with a business partner overseas or catering to international clients, we've got you covered! [Insert Visually Appealing Graphic Highlighting Benefits] ⏳ Exclusive Offer for Early Adopters! ⏳ To celebrate our global launch, we are offering a LIMITED TIME 20% discount on transaction fees for the first 100 companies that sign up! Be among the elite businesses that recognize the power of cutting-edge technology. Your Benefits Don’t Stop Here: Dedicated support team available 24/7. Seamless integration with your current systems. Join a network of global corporate partners committed to efficient and transparent transactions. 🔥 The Future is NOW! Don't Miss Out! 🔥 With our platform, you're not just investing in a service; you're investing in the next big leap of global commerce. Act now and ensure your business stays ahead of the curve! [Exclusive Sign-Up Link: Join the Revolution] Warm regards, [Your Name] Blockchain Remittance Platform Team Legal & Ethical Disclaimer: All information shared in this email is accurate as of [Date] and is intended to provide general knowledge about our platform. We value transparency and ethical practices. Kindly do your diligence before making a decision. If you wish to opt-out of our promotional emails, please click [unsubscribe here]. [Insert Relevant Images/Graphics That Are High-Quality and Professional]
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