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Tiktok Trivia Video Type

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Updated: 7 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
1,220 ($0.00240 / call)
Example input
{niche_topic} = Gym {trivia_game_dificulty} = hard {number of questions} = 5 {TikTok_video_name} = “Test your Gym knowledge”
Example output
Step 1: Question #1: What is the primary muscle group targeted during a deadlift? A) Quadriceps B) Hamstrings C) Glutes D) Back The correct answer was B) Hamstrings. The deadlift primarily targets the hamstrings along with other muscle groups. Question #2: Which exercise is best for targeting the triceps? A) Bicep curls B) Tricep dips C) Shoulder press D) Leg press The correct answer was B) Tricep dips. Tricep dips are highly effective for isolating and strengthening the triceps. Question #3: What is the recommended rest time between sets for hypertrophy training? A) 15-30 seconds B) 1-2 minutes C) 3-5 minutes D) 10-15 minutes The correct answer was B) 1-2 minutes. This rest interval is optimal for promoting muscle growth in hypertrophy training. Question #4: Which nutrient is essential for muscle repair and growth? A) Carbohydrates B) Fats C) Protein D) Vitamins The correct answer was C) Protein. Protein is crucial for muscle recovery and growth. Question #5: What is the term for the maximum weight a person can lift for a single repetition of a given exercise? A) One-rep max (1RM) B) Bodyweight C) Max load D) Lift capacity The correct answer was A) One-rep max (1RM). It represents the maximum weight a person can lift for a single repetition. End of output. Step 2: Caption for TikTok video "Test your Gym knowledge": "🏋️‍♂️ Think you know your way around the gym? Test your knowledge with these challenging trivia questions! 💪 #GymTrivia #FitnessFacts" Step 3: TikTok Hashtags: #FitnessFacts #GymExperts #WorkoutWisdom #StrengthTrainingTips #HealthyHabits #MuscleMindset #GymGuru #ExerciseEducation #FitnessQuiz #BodybuildingBout Keywords: 1. Fitness 2. Workout 3. Strength training 4. Exercise 5. Gym 6. Muscle growth 7. Nutrition 8. Wellness 9. Health 10. Bodybuilding 11. Cardio 12. Flexibility 13. Recovery 14. Weightlifting 15. Endurance Step 4: Potential text overs for TikTok cover: - "Master Your Gym Knowledge!" - "Prove Your Fitness IQ!" - "Challenge Accepted: Gym Trivia" - "Unleash Your Inner Gym Guru" - "Test Your Workout Wisdom" Step 5: 7-Day TikTok Content Plan for Trivia Game Ideas (Gym Niche): Day 1: 1. Trivia: Muscle Anatomy 2. Exercise Form Quiz 3. Guess the Fitness Term Day 2: 1. Identify the Gym Equipment 2. Name That Exercise! 3. Fitness Fun Facts Day 3: 1. Nutrition Trivia 2. Workout Mythbusters 3. Exercise Science Facts Day 4: 1. Famous Fitness Personalities Quiz 2. Fitness History Flashbacks 3. Fitness Quote Challenge Day 5: 1. Gym Memes and Trivia 2. Fitness Benefits Q&A 3. Fitness Fact or Fiction Day 6: 1. Trivia: Targeted Muscle Groups 2. Exercise Technique Test 3. Fitness Tips and Tricks Day 7: 1. Fitness Expert Quotes 2. Fitness in Pop Culture 3. Ultimate Fitness Challenge Step 6: If you don't want to follow a 7-day content plan, then here you have some viral TikTok Trivia game ideas: 1. "Guess the Workout Soundtrack" - Play snippets of popular workout songs and have viewers guess the title and artist. 2. "Fitness Myth Smasher" - Debunk common fitness myths with surprising facts and explanations. 3. "Celebrity Workout Challenge" - Show clips of famous personalities working out and ask viewers to guess who it is. 4. "Equipment Name Game" - Display images of lesser-known gym equipment and ask viewers to identify them. 5. "Fitness History Flashback" - Share interesting historical facts about fitness and exercise trends.
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