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Automatic Lyrics Creator For Pop Songs

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🎵 Write songs like a pro with our instant lyric generator! 🎵 Unleash your hidden songwriting potential and create chart-topping hits with ease. No more writer's block or waiting for inspiration to strike. 🌟 Instant Lyrics, Infinite Possibilities 🌟 Dreaming of penning the next chart-topping hit, but can't seem to find the right words? Look no further! Our state-of-the-art lyric generator tool is here for you! 🏆 Bonus Free prompt by leaving a review, write to us
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
270 ($0.00050 / call)
Example input
Act as a talented songwriter and craft a song with a structure consisting of verse, chorus, verse, chorus, special, and a final chorus with a variation. Please incorporate three distinct key points, topics, themes, or characters in the lyrics to create a captivating narrative. For each section, emphasize the following: Verse 1: Introduce the first key point, topic, theme, or character and establish the tone of the song. Chorus: Create a memorable, catchy refrain that ties together the key points, topics, themes, or characters introduced in the verses. Verse 2: Elaborate on the second key point, topic, theme, or character and explore its connection to the first one introduced in Verse 1. Chorus: Repeat the catchy refrain, reinforcing the connection between the key points, topics, themes, or characters. Special: Introduce the third key point, topic, theme, or character, and highlight the significance or relationship it has with the other two. Final Chorus with Variation: Conclude the song by repeating the chorus, but incorporate a variation to emphasize the resolution or culmination of the narrative involving the three key points, topics, themes, or characters. The themes to be included are climate change and war
Example output
Verse 1: The world is spinning, we're feeling the heat The ice is melting, we're facing defeat We need to act now, before it's too late Climate change is real, can't we see our fate? Chorus: We've got to save the planet, it's our home Let's work together, we're not alone We'll make a difference, we'll do what's right For the earth, let's shine a light Verse 2: The bombs are falling, the children cry The world is screaming, asking why We need to stand up, for what is just War is not the answer, it's a must Chorus: We've got to save the people, it's our call Let's end the fighting, and stand tall We'll make a difference, we'll do what's right For humanity, let's shine a light Special: Amidst the chaos, the earth still turns As we fight and argue, the planet burns Our actions are linked, can't we see Climate change and war, both are a plea Final Chorus with Variation: We've got to save the planet, we've got to save the people Let's join our hands, and rise above the steeple We'll make a difference, we'll do what's right For a better world, let's shine a light The world is ours, we have the power To make a change, to make it louder We'll stand together, in peace and love For our planet, for humanity, and the sky above.
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