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Beauty Idea Generator

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🌟 Use this prompt to unleash your inner beauty guru with our AI Beauty Idea Generator! This prompt is tailored for any beauty style, as it crafts stunning, personalized beauty ideas & concepts. This prompt is perfect for all beauty needs, it's like having a pro beauty artist in your pocket! Get ready to dazzle! 💄✨Scroll down for a 25% discount on this prompt! #MariesMasterpiece
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Updated: 4 months ago

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223 ($0.02230 / call)
Example input
[Skin Concern]: Acne-Prone [Preferred Aesthetic]: Bold and Edgy, featuring metallic and neon colors. [Event]: High-End Evening Gala
Example output
Creating a beauty look for someone with acne-prone skin who prefers a bold, edgy aesthetic featuring metallic and neon colors for a high-end evening gala is an exciting challenge. Here's a comprehensive plan, considering your skin concerns and style preferences: ### Skincare Preparation: 1. **Gentle Cleanser: Use a sulfate-free cleanser to gently remove impurities without stripping the skin. 2. **Salicylic Acid Treatment: Apply a light salicylic acid-based serum to target acne and unclog pores. 3. **Hydrating Toner: Choose a hydrating, alcohol-free toner to balance the skin's pH. 4. **Oil-free Moisturizer: Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to hydrate without causing breakouts. 5. **Sunscreen: If the event involves exposure to sunlight, apply a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher. ### Base Makeup: 1. **Primer: An oil-free, mattifying primer will help to control shine and create a smooth canvas. 2. **Foundation: A medium to full-coverage foundation, preferably with a matte finish, to even out skin tone without aggravating acne. 3. **Concealer: A high-coverage concealer to spot-treat any blemishes or scars. 4. **Setting Powder: A translucent setting powder to control shine and set the base. ### Eye Makeup: 1. **Metallic and Neon Eyeshadows: Experiment with bold metallics like silver or gold and vibrant neon shades. Use the metallics near the inner corners and the neon shades on the outer corners for a striking contrast. 2. **Graphic Eyeliner: Consider a bold winged eyeliner in black for definition. You could even add a touch of neon eyeliner above the black for a pop of color. 3. **False Lashes: To add drama, use voluminous false lashes. ### Cheek Makeup: 1. **Matte Bronzer: Use a matte bronzer to contour and define the cheekbones. 2. **Blush: A light, matte blush to add a natural flush of color. 3. **Highlighter: A metallic highlighter, in tones like rose gold or silver, applied to the high points of the face. ### Lip Makeup: 1. **Bold Lip Color: Choose a long-lasting matte lipstick in a bold color, like deep red, plum, or even a neon shade that complements your eye makeup. 2. **Lip Liner: A matching lip liner to define the lips and prevent the color from bleeding. ### Finishing Touches: 1. **Setting Spray: A mattifying setting spray to lock the makeup in place. 2. **Nail Polish: Consider metallic or neon nail polish to match the theme. 3. **Hair Styling: Opt for an edgy hairstyle, like a sleek ponytail or bold braids, that complements your overall look. ### Additional Tips: - Perform a patch test with new products to ensure they don’t irritate your skin. - Keep blotting papers handy during the gala to manage any excess oil. - Consider the overall theme and your outfit color when finalizing the makeup shades. ** Remember, the key to this look is confidence. Bold and edgy makeup paired with a well-prepared skin routine can create a stunning and unforgettable appearance at your high-end evening gala. **
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