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Craft Descriptions For Product

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This AI prompt generates compelling product descriptions for your [Product Type]. Ideal for e-commerce businesses and marketers, it creates unique descriptions that highlight your product's appeal. By inputting key features, target audience, tone of voice, and language, you'll receive a tailored description that enhances your product's marketability. Boost your sales with the power of AI.
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Updated: 1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
99 ($0.00300 / call)
Example input
[Product Type]: The specific type of product for which the description is to be created. [Key Features]: The key features of the product that should be highlighted in the description. [Target Audience]: The specific audience that the product is intended for. [Tone of Voice]: The desired tone for the product description, such as professional, casual, enthusiastic, etc. [Target Language]: The language in which the product description should be generated.
Example output
Experience the future of audio with our Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds! Designed for the tech-savvy listener, these earbuds deliver high-quality sound that will take your music experience to the next level. Enjoy the convenience of a long battery life and a comfortable fit that stays put even on your busiest days. Get ready to immerse yourself in the ultimate audio experience!
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