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Music Writer With Emotions For Any Genre

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ChatGPT Music Prompts is a new and powerful tool that allows you to create song lyrics for various genres with an emotional touch to captivate the audience's attention. With "ChatGPT Music Prompts," simply input a few keywords or a brief description of the song you want to create, and ChatGPT will generate a complete song for you in a matter of minutes.
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10 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
60 ($0.00010 / call)
Example input
Pop heartbreak song with a message of missing someone, evoking sadness in the listener.
Example output
(Verse 1) In the spotlight, I stand so strong, But inside, my heart's been torn, A love once vibrant, now is gone, Memories linger, I'm forlorn. (Pre-Chorus) Every melody, a bittersweet refrain, In the pop of the night, I call your name, But you're not here, it's not the same, Your absence fuels this heartbreak flame. (Chorus) I'm missing you like stars miss the sky, Every teardrop, a whispered goodbye, In this pop ballad, my soul does cry, Evoking sadness, as time goes by. (Verse 2) Through the radio waves, my voice takes flight, A love so tender, now out of sight, In the pop beats, I still hold you tight, But in the shadows, I lose the fight. (Pre-Chorus) Every melody, a bittersweet refrain, In the pop of the night, I call your name, But you're not here, it's not the same, Your absence fuels this heartbreak flame. (Chorus) I'm missing you like stars miss the sky, Every teardrop, a whispered goodbye, In this pop ballad, my soul does cry, Evoking sadness, as time goes by. (Bridge) The stage is set, but I'm incomplete, A part of me lost in the drumbeat, In this pop symphony, I find retreat, Yet the ache of missing you won't deplete. (Chorus) I'm missing you like stars miss the sky, Every teardrop, a whispered goodbye, In this pop ballad, my soul does cry, Evoking sadness, as time goes by. (Outro) With each chord, a memory unwinds, In the pop of my heart, your love still binds, This melancholic melody reminds, Of the love we had, now left behind.
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