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Personal Goal Execution Planner

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Achieve your goals with a personalized roadmap! Our prompt helps you break down any goal into manageable tasks, complete with advice and timelines. Whether it's learning a new skill or launching a business, we provide you with a clear, step-by-step guide. Let's turn your aspirations into achievements!
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12 months ago

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[Goal]: learn a new language - French [Execution Period]: 6 months
Example output
Sure, let's approach this goal of learning French in 6 months systematically. **Objective 1: Acquiring Basic French Vocabulary** **Task:** Study and memorize a minimum of 20 new words and phrases every day. **Timeline:** This should start from Day 1 and continue throughout the 6 months. **Advice:** - Use resources like Duolingo, Memrise, and Anki for spaced repetition learning. - Practice daily and try to use new words in practical sentences. - Label items around your house in French to increase recall. **Objective 2: Mastering French Pronunciation** **Task:** Learn and practice French phonetics and pronunciation. **Timeline:** Start this on Day 1 and continue practicing daily for the entire duration of 6 months. **Advice:** - Listen to French sounds and pronunciation guides. Resources such as Forvo and BBC Languages are useful. - Try recording your voice and compare it with native speakers. - Practice with tongue twisters to get comfortable with the sounds. **Objective 3: Building Basic Grammar Skills** **Task:** Understand basic French grammar rules and sentence structure. **Timeline:** Begin in Week 2 and keep refining over the course of 6 months. **Advice:** - Use textbooks or apps like Babbel and Rosetta Stone that focus on grammar. - Practice by writing simple sentences and gradually move on to complex ones. - Grammar drills are beneficial, try to dedicate specific study times for them. **Objective 4: Developing Listening Comprehension** **Task:** Listen to French audios and videos for at least an hour each day. **Timeline:** Start this from Week 3 onwards and continue daily. **Advice:** - Start with slow-paced materials like children's audiobooks or shows, then progress to news, podcasts, and movies. - Services like FluentU and FrenchPod101 offer a wide range of materials at different levels of difficulty. - Try to write down what you hear to improve your comprehension skills. **Objective 5: Engaging in Spoken French** **Task:** Begin speaking French aloud, focusing on fluency and pronunciation. **Timeline:** Begin speaking simple phrases in Week 4, with the aim to have simple conversations by Week 12 and keep refining. **Advice:** - Try to think and talk in French as much as possible. - Use language exchange websites or hire a tutor on iTalki or Preply for conversation practice. - Record yourself speaking and evaluate for improvements. **Objective 6: Achieving Reading Proficiency** **Task:** Start reading in French, first with simple texts then progressing to complex ones. **Timeline:** Begin reading simple texts in Week 8, children's books by Week 12, and adult books by Week 20. **Advice:** - Start with dual-language books and gradually transition to French-only text. - Try reading aloud to improve your pronunciation and comprehension. - Use apps like LingQ for reading practice with helpful annotations. **Objective 7: Engaging in Written French** **Task:** Begin writing in French starting with simple sentences and then advancing to essays. **Timeline:** Start writing simple sentences by Week 10, paragraphs by Week 16, and essays by Week 24. **Advice:** - Keep a journal in French or write your daily activities. - Use language correction services like LangCorrect or get a tutor to correct your writings. - Practice writing emails or letters to imaginary (or real) pen pals. **Objective 8: Immersion** **Task:** Immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. **Timeline:** Begin this as soon as possible and continue throughout the 6 months. **Advice:** - Change the language settings on your phone, computer, or social media to French. - Listen to French music or watch French TV shows and movies. - Join French communities online to chat and make friends. Remember that consistency and practice are the keys to language learning. Set aside dedicated time every day for your French studies. Bonne chance!
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