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Riddle Maker

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Are you looking to challenge your mind and test your creativity? Our riddle maker prompt for GPT-3 will create thought-provoking and engaging riddles that are sure to keep you on your toes. So if you're ready to put your intellect to the test, our riddle maker prompt is the perfect challenge for you.
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Updated: 7 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
298 ($0.00060 / call)
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No additional input.
Example output
Riddle 1. I am a master of disguise, Changing colors before your very eyes. I can be hot, I can be cold, But don't try to hold me, for I am bold. My shape is constantly shifting, And my movement is quite uplifting. I can be solid or I can be fluid, But trying to grasp me is quite stupid. What am I? -------- Riddle 2. 2pac style riddle I was born from the heat of the sun, And baptized in the waters of the sea. I am a symbol of power and resilience, A reminder that even the strongest can bend, but not break. I have been forged in the fires of adversity, And tempered by the winds of change. I am a testament to the human spirit, And a beacon of hope for those who struggle. My presence can inspire fear and awe, As I stand tall and unwavering. But my roots run deep and my heart is strong, For I am a force to be reckoned with. So tell me, what am I? A simple answer, yet complex in its essence. A symbol of strength and perseverance, Embodied in a form that stands the test of time.
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