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Song Lyrics

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This prompt helps you create original song lyrics based on your input. You can provide a genre, a theme, a mood, a title, a chorus or any other information that you want the song to include. The prompt will generate lyrics that match your input and rhyme where appropriate. The goal is to help you express yourself creatively and musically.
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Updated: 6 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
274 ($0.00820 / call)
Example input
[Genre]: Pop [Theme]: Self-love [Mood]: Empowering [Title]: Love Yourself [Chorus]: You gotta love yourself before you love somebody else
Example output
Here are some possible lyrics for your song: Verse 1: You've been hurt so many times before You don't know how to trust anymore You think you're not good enough for anyone You hide your heart behind a wall Pre-chorus: But baby you don't have to live this way You don't have to listen to what they say You don't have to let them bring you down You don't have to wear a frown Chorus: You gotta love yourself before you love somebody else You gotta know your worth before you give yourself away You gotta be yourself before you try to be someone else You gotta love yourself before you love somebody else Verse 2: You've been trying so hard to fit in You've been changing yourself for them You think you have to be perfect all the time You lose yourself in the crowd Pre-chorus: But baby you don't have to play their game You don't have to follow their rules You don't have to be what they want you to be You don't have to be a fool Chorus: You gotta love yourself before you love somebody else You gotta know your worth before you give yourself away You gotta be yourself before you try to be someone else You gotta love yourself before you love somebody else Bridge: So look in the mirror and tell yourself That you are beautiful and strong That you are worthy and capable That you are amazing and enough Chorus: You gotta love yourself before you love somebody else You gotta know your worth before you give yourself away You gotta be yourself before you try to be someone else You gotta love yourself before you love somebody else Outro: Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself Before you love somebody else
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