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Text Adventure Game Creator

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Create your own text adventure game with this prompt! It generates a personalized game storyline, incorporating interactive choices, character development, and immersive world-building, tailored to your game genre, theme, and player preferences.
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After purchasing, you will gain access to the prompt file which you can use with GPT or the app builder. You'll receive 20 free generation credits with this purchase. By purchasing this prompt, you agree to our terms of service.
Updated: 6 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
95 ($0.00290 / call)
Example input
[Game Genre]: Fantasy [Game Theme]: Hero’s journey [Player Preferences]: Strategic choices, character customization [Game Length]: 2 hours
Example output
Welcome to your personalized text adventure game! Here’s an overview of your game: Storyline: You are a hero on a quest to save the kingdom from an evil sorcerer. Along the way, you will encounter challenges, make strategic choices, and shape your character’s destiny. Game Mechanics: • Choose your character’s appearance, abilities, and equipment. • Make strategic choices that affect the outcome of the game. • Explore a rich and immersive fantasy world. • Interact with NPCs and complete quests. • Face challenges and overcome obstacles. Tips on Player Engagement: • Offer meaningful choices that impact the game’s outcome. • Provide opportunities for character customization. • Create an immersive world with rich lore and history. • Use descriptive language to enhance the gaming experience. • Incorporate surprises and plot twists to keep players engaged. This captivating program will help you create a personalized text adventure game in the fantasy genre, with a hero’s journey theme, tailored to your strategic choices and character customization preferences within a 2-hour game length.
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