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Text Corrector

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The prompt is designed to help you improve your spelling and grammar by correcting the errors in a piece of text. The text provided in the prompt contains intentional spelling mistakes and other errors, which the prompt will identify and highlight for you to correct. By using this prompt, you can practice your language skills and improve your ability to write accurately and effectively. The prompt will be particularly useful for individuals who are learning English as a second language, or who s
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
57 ($0.00010 / call)
Example input
Heloo everione! Hw are yuo doin? I hopr yuo'r havin a gr8 day! Im jst riting somthing completly randum jst to shw yuo hw funy it cn b! I thnk that speeling mistaks r kina funny sometims, dont yuo agre? It maks the wrds luk difrent and it maks us tak a secont luk. Anywai, Im gna stop riting now cuz Im gettin tired of makin mistaks on purpuse! Lulz! See yuo l8r!
Example output
Hello everyone! How are you doing? I hope you're having a great day! I'm just writing something completely random just to show you how funny it can be! I think that spelling mistakes can be kind of funny sometimes, don't you agree? It makes the words look different and it makes us take a second look. Anyway, I'm going to stop writing now because I'm getting tired of making mistakes on purpose! Lol! See you later!
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