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Viral Tiktok Videos Stepbystep

Viral Tiktok Videos Stepbystep gpt prompt mini thumbnail
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🎬Have a fantastic idea for a TikTok video but unsure how to bring it to life? You supply the idea, and this prompt delivers a detailed script, providing precise directions for executing your viral video. 🌟Whether it's an engaging educational piece or a hilarious comedy sketch, this prompt tailors a script that resonates with your target audience and optimizes for virality. 🎥With the 'Viral TikTok Videos' prompt, you'll be capturing, creating, and sharing viral content in no time!
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11 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
82 ($0.00250 / call)
Example input
[video idea]: pranking strangers [video description]: I want to prank a stranger in a way that will be very funny to watch and not upset them. [video goals]: This should go viral and get the most views possible aimed towards younger audiences.
Example output
**Script:** [Clip starts with upbeat music, with me walking into the frame with a huge smile on my face.] ME: (Excitedly) "Hey TikTok, it's your favourite prankster here, and today we've got a super exciting, hilarious and harmless prank planned! Remember, we're all about spreading positivity, so let's dive in and make some people's day!" [Cut to a quick montage of me setting up the prank, in fast-forward mode with fun music playing in the background.] NARRATOR VOICEOVER: "Today, we're creating a 'Free Hugs' sign but with a twist. The sign is going to have a tiny, fun disclaimer at the bottom saying, 'Hug at your own risk, you might become famous!' Now, let's see who's brave enough for a free hug." [Cut to me standing in a popular area holding the 'Free Hugs' sign.] ME: (Enthusiastically) "Alright folks, let's do this. Free hugs, anyone?" [The next few clips show a montage of various people coming over for the hug, laughing at the sign, and genuinely enjoying the surprise. Each reaction gets its own few seconds, with the most humorous ones getting a bit longer.] ME: (Between interactions) "So many brave souls ready for fame! Love the positivity!" [In the next clip, a person comes over to hug, and I playfully ask...] ME: (Playfully) "Are you sure? You're ready for the fame?" PERSON: (Laughs) "Sure, why not!" [We hug, and then I point to a friend who's acting like a paparazzi, taking photos and acting all excited.] ME: (Dramatically) "There you go, instant fame!" [The person laughs, playing along, waving at the camera.] [The video continues with a few more reactions, before I wrap up the prank.] ME: (To the camera) "There you go, folks! A ton of fun, lots of laughter, and maybe we even made a couple of superstars today! (laughs) Remember to like, comment and share if you enjoyed the video. Let's see how viral we can make these brave souls!" [The video ends with a catchy outro and a call-to-action.] NARRATOR VOICEOVER: (Enthusiastically) "Stay tuned for more fun and harmless pranks by hitting that follow button! And remember, laughter is the best medicine. Stay positive, TikTok!" [End scene with upbeat music fading out.] **Note:** It's crucial to respect people's boundaries and always ensure consent when engaging strangers in pranks for a video. Harmless pranks are those that lead to a positive experience for all involved.
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