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YouTube Shorts Video Creator

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🎥 Why waste hours brainstorming video ideas when our mega-smart AI can instantly craft viral YouTube Shorts scripts tailored to YOUR niche and audience? ➡️Just plug in your deets, and we'll deliver endless amazing video concepts spanning formats like challenges, stunts, hacks, reaction videos, and more optimized to smash records and destroy the algorithm! ✅Say bye to creator's block and hi to limitless viral video ideas that captivate viewers and take your channel to the next level!
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9 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
105 ($0.00310 / call)
Example input
[YouTuber] = TechMike [Niche] = Gadgets and technology [Target Audience] = Teens and young adults [Format] = Challenge [Topic] = Newest iPhone tricks
Example output
**Title:** "🔥 Ultimate iPhone Trick Challenge for Teens! Master Your iPhone Like a Pro! 🚀" **Hook (Scene 1):** [Opening shot of TechMike excitedly holding the newest iPhone model. The screen displays a glimpse of an intriguing iPhone trick.] TechMike (enthusiastic tone, facing the camera): "Hey there, tech-savvy squad! Are you ready to level up your iPhone game? Get ready for the most epic iPhone Trick Challenge tailor-made just for you!" **Challenge Introduction (Scene 2):** [Cut to a split-screen with TechMike on the left and a countdown timer on the right.] TechMike (energetic tone): "Here's the deal, my friends. I've got **60 seconds** to showcase some mind-blowing iPhone tricks, and I challenge you to try them out yourself! Can you keep up?" [The countdown timer starts ticking down on the screen.] **Trick 1: Emoji Magic (Scene 3):** [Scene transitions to TechMike holding his iPhone, a table with various emojis on the screen.] TechMike (excited tone): "Trick number one: Emoji Magic! Ever wanted to send secret emoji combos? Check this out!" [On-screen text: "Emoji Magic Trick: 🎩 + 🐰 = 🎉"] [He combines the emojis on the screen with a swift gesture. The emojis transform into a celebration emoji.] Sound Effect: *Magical chime* **Trick 2: App Shuffle (Scene 4):** [Cut to TechMike showcasing his iPhone home screen.] TechMike (playful tone): "Time for trick number two: App Shuffle! Tired of the same old layout? Let's mix things up!" [On-screen text: "App Shuffle Trick: Shake for Fun!"] [TechMike shakes his iPhone, and the apps rearrange themselves randomly.] Sound Effect: *Rattling sound* **Trick 3: Custom Widgets (Scene 5):** [Transition to TechMike demonstrating the widget customization feature.] TechMike (enthusiastic tone): "Trick number three: Custom Widgets! Let's make your iPhone truly yours with personalized widgets!" [On-screen text: "Custom Widgets Trick: Long Press + 'Edit Stack'"] [TechMike performs the steps, and the widgets transform into a cool, personalized stack.] Sound Effect: *Soft tinkering sound* **Trick 4: Siri Rap (Scene 6):** [Cut to TechMike activating Siri.] TechMike (grinning): "Trick number four: Siri Rap! Did you know Siri can drop a beat? Let's jam together!" [TechMike asks Siri to beatbox. On-screen text: "Siri Rap Trick: 'Hey Siri, Beatbox!'"] Sound Effect: *Catchy beatboxing* **Final Challenge Round (Scene 7):** [Transition back to TechMike holding the iPhone.] TechMike (enthusiastic tone): "Time's flying, and I've got one last challenge for you! Try these tricks, record yourself, and tag me for a chance to be featured on my channel!" [On-screen text: "Your Turn! #TechMagicChallenge"] **Conclusion (Scene 8):** [Cut to TechMike with a big thumbs-up.] TechMike (enthusiastic tone): "You're now equipped with some seriously awesome iPhone magic! Smash that like button, subscribe for more tech wizardry, and remember, you've got the tech magic touch!" [On-screen text: "Like 👍 | Comment 💬 | Subscribe 🚀"] **Closing Shot (Scene 9):** [Fade out with TechMike waving and holding the iPhone.] TechMike (cheerful tone): "Catch you on the flip side, tech champs! Stay curious, stay geeky!" [End screen with TechMike's social media handles and previous videos.] --- **Additional Tips for Virality:** 1. **High Energy:** Maintain a high-energy and enthusiastic tone throughout the video to keep viewers engaged. 2. **Clear Instructions:** Ensure the instructions for each trick are concise and easy to follow. 3. **Engagement Challenge:** Encourage viewers to participate by attempting the tricks themselves and using a unique hashtag like #TechMagicChallenge. 4. **Catchy Soundtrack:** Use a catchy, upbeat background music that matches the excitement of the video. 5. **Quick Cuts:** Keep the pacing snappy by using quick cuts and transitions between scenes. 6. **Engaging Visuals:** Incorporate dynamic visual effects, animations, and text overlays to emphasize key points. 7. **Thumbnail Magic:** Design an eye-catching thumbnail featuring the iPhone, emojis, and an intriguing title. 8. **Tease for More:** Mention that more awesome tech content is on the way, sparking curiosity for future videos. Remember, the key is to provide value, entertainment, and an interactive element to make viewers feel excited to share and participate in the challenge. Good luck, TechMike! 🚀
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