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Customizable Tiktok Prompt

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After creating the best TikTok prompt on this platform (just search it)... I got a lot of positive feedback from my clients... ...but that prompt was not enough for some people. Some needed more in-depth personalization of the prompt... So...this prompt will get you: ✅ A fully customized TikTok prompt 100% based on your requirements ✅ All the benefits found in the example + more add-ons ✅ To skip the hard part of content creation 🎁BONUS: I will do the edits for you.
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4 weeks ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
1,877 ($0.00939 / call)
Example input
{page_type} = Fitness motivation {content_type} = motivation with some fitness tips {tone} = David Goggins tone {niche} = mental health and fitness {audience} = lazy people {beliefs} = they believe that only genetical gift people can make it {keywords} = aesthetic body {video_idea} = Stop scrolling and go gym {script_features} = motivational speech as David Goggins and some mental health benefits
Example output
Section 1 - 2 min video script Step 1: Hooking Intro Hook: "You never knew getting that aesthetic body could be SO EASY." Interest Peak: "And the crazy thing is, this won't require hours in the gym or strict diets." Step 2: Main Content Alright, listen up, you lazy folks. I'm not here to sugarcoat anything. Today, we're diving deep into the mindset needed to achieve that aesthetic body you've been drooling over. Now, I know what you're thinking, "But I wasn't blessed with those genetics." Well, let me tell you something, genetics can take a hike. It's all about your mindset and your willingness to push through the pain. Let's talk about David Goggins. This man is the epitome of mental toughness. He didn't let his past or his circumstances define him. He took control of his life, and you can too. You think he was born with the perfect physique? Hell no. He worked his ass off every single day, pushing past his limits, and that's exactly what you need to do. You see, the gym isn't just about physical gains. It's about mental gains too. Every rep, every drop of sweat, it's building resilience. It's proving to yourself that you're capable of more than you ever imagined. So, stop making excuses, stop scrolling through TikTok, and get your ass to the gym. Trust me, you'll thank yourself later. Step 3: Outro Follow for more kickass motivation and fitness tips. Remember, the only person standing in your way is you. Step 4: Carousel post variation of the script Slide 1: Title - "Unlock Your Potential" Paragraph - "Stop making excuses and start unleashing the beast within you. It's time to crush your fitness goals and dominate life." Slide 2: Title - "Mental Toughness Matters" Paragraph - "Building an aesthetic body isn't just about physical strength. It's about mental resilience. Embrace the pain and watch yourself grow." Slide 3: Title - "No More Excuses" Paragraph - "Quit blaming genetics and start taking control of your destiny. You have the power to sculpt the body of your dreams. What are you waiting for?" Slide 4: Title - "Join the Movement" Paragraph - "Join our community of lazy warriors transforming their bodies and minds. Follow for daily motivation and fitness tips." Section 2 - Complementary tools Step 1: Image suggestions for each slide of the carousel post: Slide 1: Image of a person lifting weights with determination. Slide 2: Image of someone doing a challenging workout with a focused expression. Slide 3: Image of a person overcoming obstacles, like climbing a mountain. Slide 4: Image of a diverse group of people working out together, showing community and support. Step 1.1: AI image generation prompts: Slide 1: "Generate an image of someone lifting weights with determination." Slide 2: "Create an image of a challenging workout being performed with focus." Slide 3: "Generate an image of someone overcoming obstacles, like climbing a mountain." Slide 4: "Create an image of a diverse group of people working out together, showing community and support." Step 2: Caption/Description 🔥 Unlock your potential and crush your fitness goals with these mindset tips! 💪 Don't let genetics hold you back. Join the lazy warriors and start your journey to an aesthetic body today. #FitnessMotivation #MentalHealth #MindsetMatters Step 3: Hashtags Broad: #FitnessJourney #HealthyLifestyle Less broad: #GymMotivation #FitnessTips #MindOverMatter Step 4: 7-day TikTok content plan Day 1: 1. Quick workout routine for busy days 2. Mental health check-in: How are you feeling today? 3. Healthy meal prep ideas for the week Day 2: 1. Motivational speech to kickstart your day 2. Tips for staying consistent with your fitness goals 3. Stretching routine for flexibility and relaxation Day 3: 1. Q&A session: Answering your fitness and mental health questions 2. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout demo 3. Mindfulness meditation for stress relief Day 4: 1. Behind-the-scenes look at my workout routine 2. Discussing the importance of rest days in your fitness journey 3. Healthy snack ideas to fuel your workouts Day 5: 1. Progress check: Share your fitness achievements this week 2. Motivational story time: Overcoming obstacles on the road to success 3. Yoga flow for balance and peace of mind Day 6: 1. Reviewing popular fitness trends: What works and what doesn't 2. Guest appearance: Interview with a fitness expert or mental health coach 3. Setting SMART goals for long-term success Day 7: 1. Celebrating your wins: Share your proudest fitness moments 2. Recap of the week's content and key takeaways 3. Announcement: Exciting plans for next week's videos! Step 5: Viral TikTok ideas 1. Time-lapse transformation: Show your fitness journey over several months in just a few seconds. 2. Lip-sync challenge: Perform a motivational speech or song that inspires you. 3. Day in the life: Take your audience through a typical day, including workouts, meals, and self-care routines. 4. Reaction video: React to popular fitness trends or challenges, adding your unique commentary. 5. Workout challenge: Challenge your followers to try a specific workout and tag you in their videos for a chance to be featured. Step 6: Tips for growing your TikTok page - Consistency is key: Post regularly to keep your audience engaged. - Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and messages to build a sense of community. - Collaborate with others: Partner with fellow creators or brands to reach new audiences. - Utilize trending hashtags: Stay current with popular trends to increase your visibility. - Analyze your metrics: Pay attention to what content performs well and adjust your strategy accordingly. Step 7: Actionable steps after posting - Engage with comments: Respond to questions, thank viewers for their support, and foster conversation. - Share to other platforms: Cross-promote your TikTok content on Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter to reach a wider audience. - Plan your next video: Start brainstorming ideas for your next piece of content to keep the momentum going.
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