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Guided Mindfulness Session

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💥 This prompt is ideal for stress relief seekers, mindfulness enthusiasts, and those looking to manage their emotions effectively! 🦾 No matter you are a busy professional, a student dealing with exams, or someone seeking serenity, this tool helps you design a personalized Guided Mindfulness Session tailored to your specific trigger or stressor. ✅ Fully customizable: Identify your trigger or stressor, and see the magic. 🔝 Guided Mindfulness Session - Find peace amidst chaos!
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8 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
118 ($0.00350 / call)
Example input
[stressors/triggers] - "I'm overwhelmed with a large volume of work tasks, facing an upcoming deadline, and dealing with feelings of inadequacy about not being able to manage it all efficiently."
Example output
Preparation: - Find a Quiet Space: - Find a quiet and comfortable place for 15-20 minutes. - Sit comfortably, chair or cushion with legs crossed. - Set an Intention: - Choose your intention: calmness, clarity, presence. Exercise: Mindfulness Meditation for Overcoming Overwhelm and Enhancing Self-Efficacy - Centering Breath: - Take 3 deep breaths: inhale 4, hold 4, exhale 6. - Activates relaxation response for stress management. - Body Scan: - Breathe normally, scan body for tension or discomfort. - Invite relaxation with each exhale. - Mindful Acknowledgment: - Acknowledge overwhelm and inadequacy. - Say, "I am feeling overwhelmed and inadequate, and that’s okay." - Focused Attention: - Focus on one task, visualize success. - Inhale calmness, exhale tension. - Mindful Breathing: - Return attention to breath. - Inhale calmness, exhale tension. - Visualization: - Visualize to-do list, tasks completed. - Visualize meeting deadlines. - Self-compassion: - Whisper, "I am doing my best, and that’s enough." - Feel warm, compassionate energy. - Grounding: - Feel stability beneath you. - Become aware of surroundings. - Completion: - Gently open eyes, notice how you feel. - Gradually return to tasks. Post Exercise: - Task Management: - Break work into smaller tasks. - Focus on one at a time, reward upon completion. - Regular Breaks: - Take short breaks for breathing and centering.
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