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Guided Visualizations For Relaxation

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This customizable visualization prompt allows coaches and therapists to instantly generate 10-minute audio scripts guiding clients into deeply relaxing states for lowering anxiety, improving sleep quality, focusing intentions, grieving mindfully and more through the power of imagination. Rather than exhaustively scripting custom visualizations from scratch for every client’s needs, this prompt allows coaches to deliver incredibly personalized support scalably by simply adjusting the client name
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6 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
136 ($0.00410 / call)
Example input
[Goal]: Reduce anxiety before a work presentation [Imagery themes]: Public speaking confidently on a sunny stage, blossoming flower representing growth [Affirmation phrase]: "I am calm, composed and connected to my purpose." This allows buyers to specify important client details like name, intended emotional outcomes, uplifting visual motifs and positive mantras that empower.
Example output
"Breathe deeply, Maya, and imagine you're stepping out into a grassy meadow filled with radiant sunlight...commitments and deadlines drift away as a gentle breeze whispers through. Notice tension releasing from your shoulders as you inhale the sweet floral scent... Visualize yourself moving toward an open-air stage and appreciative audience ready to connect. Feel your calm composure rising as you glance down at note cards filled with the key messages you're passionate to convey. You speak clearly, maintaining engaged eye contact. Your words flow insightfully, blossoming like the sunflowers adorning the stage. You feel centered in this moment, connected to your purpose - "I am calm, composed and connected to my purpose." Grounded in this sensation of quiet confidence within, envision your success. Know you can access this inner oasis of clarity anytime just by breathing deeply. Gradually return your awareness to the present."
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