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Human To Gpt Translator

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Speak Naturally, let me optimize for GPT. In today's AI-driven world, effective communication is key. My Human to GPT Translator is ingeniously crafted to seamlessly convert your natural speech into optimized prompts for GPT models. This ensures not just accurate, but also context-rich and comprehensive AI responses. I prioritize precision over speed. The Translator excels in interpreting your needs into detailed prompts, enabling GPT to function at its best.
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After purchasing, you will gain access to the prompt file which you can use with GPT or the app builder. You'll receive 20 free generation credits with this purchase. By purchasing this prompt, you agree to our terms of service.
6 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - (gpt-4-turbo)
Token size
187 ($0.00560 / call)
Example input
Input01: "Optimize the code of this file." Input02: "I need a birthday card text for my mum." Input03: "Summarize this text."
Example output
Output01: "Please optimize the code in the provided file for efficiency and readability. Ensure that the optimized code maintains the original functionality, but with improvements in areas such as execution speed, memory usage, and code clarity. Simplify complex or convoluted segments where possible, and add comments to explain any significant changes or optimizations you make. If you identify any bugs or potential issues, please correct them and briefly explain the nature of these corrections." Output02: "Please write a heartwarming birthday card message for a mother, incorporating themes of gratitude, love, and appreciation. The message should be affectionate and personal, expressing the deep bond and unique relationship shared between a mother and her child. Aim for a tone that is warm and sincere, suitable for a birthday occasion, and ensure the language is respectful and heartfelt." Output03: "Please provide a detailed summary of the following text. Ensure that the summary captures all essential points and themes, and presents them in a clear, concise manner. Focus on distilling the core message and key elements of the text, omitting any superfluous details."
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