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Secret-key Code Adventures Word Puzzles

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Are you ready for an adventure that will put your brainpower to the ultimate test? Do you have what it takes to crack codes and solve puzzles like a top-secret spy? Look no further than this prompt that will transport you to a world of espionage and intrigue! With our Legend Key, you'll have everything you need to catch the double agent and ensure your country's victory in any battle. Whether you're a puzzle aficionado or a budding detective, this prompt offers endless possibilities.
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10 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
81 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
Create a full puzzle word game complete with a list of the alphabet with symbols for each letter to use as a Code Key. Then I need a plot ...
Example output
Sure, I'd be happy to create a puzzle word game and a secret spy set story for you! Here's what I came up with: Puzzle Word Game - Code Key Here's a Code Key you can use to decipher the puzzle words below. Each letter of the alphabet has been replaced by a unique symbol. A: # B: % C: & D: @ E: * F: ^ G: + H...
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