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Music Text Generator

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This prompt will create music lyrics based on what you ask for, such as musical style, lyrical style, and even the influence of a celebrity of your choosing. If you're looking for a lyricist who can generate lyrics for your music, this prompt is perfect for you.
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
83 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
2 verse 1 chorus musical style melancholic rap theme that speaks of nature and space inspired by the weekend
Example output
(Verse 1) I'm floating through the galaxy, with you by my side The stars are shining bright, like diamonds in the sky The planets are aligning, as we journey through the night Exploring the universe, with you as my satellite (Chorus) Lost in space with you, baby, we're like shooting stars Our love is out of this world, it's written in the stars In this cosmic paradise, we'll never be apart Our love will shine forever, like the light of a quasar (Verse 2) We're cruising through the void, like a spaceship on a mission Our love is like a supernova, exploding with ambition We're exploring new horizons, on this cosmic expedition Together we'll discover, a love that's out of this dimension (Chorus) Lost in space with you, baby, we're like shooting stars Our love is out of this world, it's written in the stars In this cosmic paradise, we'll never be apart Our love will shine forever, like the light of a quasar
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