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Sentiment Analysis Pro Gpt Prompt

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Experience advanced sentiment analysis with this versatile prompt template designed to unravel the emotions within your text. Effortlessly gauge positivity, negativity, or neutrality surrounding your chosen topic. Tailor your analysis by directing the focus towards specific elements or comparing sentiments before and after pivotal events. This prompt empowers you to delve into nuanced emotions, identify contextual influences, and suggest targeted responses.
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6 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
79 ($0.00240 / call)
Example input
[insert subject or topic] [specific element or aspect]
Example output
Final Output Example: The text on climate change exhibits a predominantly negative sentiment, emphasizing the grave consequences and challenges associated with environmental shifts. The language is often dire, underscoring the urgency for action. Specific negative emotions such as fear, concern, and despair are prevalent throughout the text. Focusing on the economic impact, the sentiment leans towards negativity as well. The discussion centers on the potential economic downturns, loss of livelihoods, and increased costs associated with mitigating climate change. The text highlights the interconnectedness of environmental issues and economic stability, contributing to a more complex sentiment. Contextual factors influencing the sentiment include recent environmental disasters, scientific reports, and global policy decisions. These factors contribute to a heightened sense of urgency and concern in the text. Additionally, the tone becomes more negative when discussing countries or industries perceived as major contributors to environmental degradation. In summary, the sentiment in the text about climate change is predominantly negative, with specific emphasis on the economic implications. The nuanced analysis considers contextual factors, specific emotions, and the interconnected nature of environmental and economic issues.
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