Example output
1. Welcome to our online shopping platform. To get started, please create an account.
2. Thank you for creating an account. Let's add your shipping address next.
3. Excellent, your shipping address is now saved. Now, let's add your preferred payment method.
4. Your payment method is now saved. You're almost ready to start shopping! Let's set up some preferences.
5. Great, preferences saved! We'll make sure to show you items you're interested in. Now, let's explore the website.
6. Our website is full of great deals and products. Take your time and explore the different categories.
7. If you need help finding something specific, just use the search bar at the top of the page.
8. Found what you're looking for? Great! Just select the item, choose your size and color, and add it to your cart.
9. Ready to checkout? Just review your cart and select "checkout." We'll walk you through the rest.
10. Congratulations, you've successfully made a purchase! We'll send you an email confirmation with your order details. Thank you for shopping with us!