Example output
For a Pokemon pixel art painting, you could consider the following color palette options:
Palette 1:
#ffc0cb (pink)
#f8d5a3 (peach)
#7eb4d3 (light blue)
#4f90b4 (dark blue)
#2e2d50 (navy)
This color palette is inspired by the popular Pokemon Eevee and its evolutions. The pink and peach colors could be used for Eevee's fur, while the light blue and dark blue could be used for its eyes, nose, and other features. The navy color can be used for the outline of the pixel art, creating a striking contrast against the other colors.
Palette 2:
#feffd6 (off-white)
#ffc857 (bright yellow)
#ff9b54 (orange)
#ff6b6b (red)
#303030 (dark grey)
This color palette is inspired by the iconic Pokemon Pikachu. The off-white color could be used for Pikachu's face and belly, while the bright yellow could be used for its fur. The orange and red colors could be used for Pikachu's cheeks and other features. The dark grey can be used for the outline of the pixel art, creating a nice contrast against the other colors.
Palette 3:
#4e4e4e (dark grey)
#e4e4e4 (light grey)
#9bd3e6 (light blue)
#ffcb05 (yellow)
#c6303d (red)
This color palette is inspired by the legendary Pokemon Articuno. The light and dark grey colors can be used for Articuno's feathers and features, while the light blue could be used for its eyes and other features. The yellow and red colors could be used for highlights and details.
I hope these color palettes inspire you and help you create a beautiful Pokemon pixel art painting!