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Develop Indemand Skills Instantly

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This expertly crafted prompt empowers you to get a customized skill development roadmap designed specifically for your career growth needs - saving you time and money trying to figure it out alone. With just a few edits, ChatGPT gets to work acting as your personal trainer, assessing your experience, strengths, and target goals. It then develops a comprehensive 8-week training plan mapped to your unique profile and aspirations.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
278 ($0.00830 / call)
Example input
[Skills to develop]: Data analysis, SQL, Tableau [Years of experience]: 2 years as a Business Analyst [Strengths]: Critical thinking, collaboration, fast learner [Target job]: Data Scientist [Week 1 skills]: Intro to Python, Statistics fundamentals [Week 2 skills]: Data cleaning techniques, Exploratory data analysis [Week 3 skills]: SQL queries, Database management [Week 4 skills]: Data visualization with Tableau [Week 5 skills]: Statistical modeling, A/B testing [Week 6 skills]: Machine learning algorithms [Week 7 skills]: Natural language processing [Week 8 skills]: Cloud computing, Presentation skills This allows the user to tailor the training plan to their specific skills, experience, strengths and target goals. The personalized inputs will result in a customized learning roadmap from ChatGPT optimized for the user's career growth.
Example output
8-Week Training Plan for Data Analyst transitioning to Data Scientist Role Week 1: - Learn basics of Python programming (online course, 15 hrs) - Study statistical distributions, hypothesis testing (statistics text, 5 hrs) - Metrics: Take Python quiz, score ≥75%. Pass statistic concepts test. Week 2: - Practice data cleaning techniques (guided project, 10 hrs) - Explore datasets with visualization, summary stats (tools practice, 5 hrs) - Metrics: Clean sample dataset with ≥95% accuracy. Generate exploratory analysis report. Week 3: - Complete SQL course and exercises (online course, 10 hrs) - Manage sample databases with queries (hands-on project, 5 hrs) - Metrics: Pass SQL proficiency assessment with score ≥90%. Week 4: - Learn Tableau through interactive tutorials (Tableau platform, 10 hrs) - Build 5 advanced visualizations for sample dataset (hands-on activity, 5 hrs) - Metrics: Create proficient Tableau dashboard judged by peer review. This demonstrates how the prompt can generate a personalized, measurable skills training plan tailored to the individual's goals, experience level, and learning needs.
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