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Code Review Assistant

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Try the Code Review Assistant today and take your coding to the next level. Introducing the Code Review Assistant - the ultimate tool for streamlining your code review process. With our advanced AI algorithms, this prompt will analyze your code and provide you with detailed suggestions for improvements, feedback on best practices, potential bugs, and optimizations.
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
109 ($0.00220 / call)
Example input
My first code snippet is: def function(n): if n<=0: return 0 else: return function(n-1)+n print(function(3))
Example output
This code looks like it is attempting to calculate the sum of all the numbers up to the value of 'n'. The code is generally well-structured and readable, however there is an opportunity to make the code more efficient. Right now, the code is using recursion which can be an expensive operation and can lead to stack overflow errors if the value of 'n' is too large. Consider using a looping structure instead to calculate the sum of all numbers up to 'n'. Additionally, you may want to consider adding checks for invalid inputs such as negative numbers or non-integer values. You can refer to the Python documentation for more information about looping structures and input validation: The code looks generally correct, but there are a few best practices to keep in mind: 1. It's best to include a docstring at the top of the function to explain what the function does and any assumptions that were made. 2. It's important to include a base case in the recursion to ensure the function terminates. 3. You may want to consider adding an assertion to ensure the input is valid, as this function will produce unexpected results if the argument is negative. 4. You could also use a loop to iterate over the range of numbers instead of using recursion, as this will be more efficient and require less memory. 5. Finally, you may want to consider adding a comment to explain the purpose of the return statement. For more information about best practices for writing code and optimizing code, you can check out the official Python documentation at
  • Reviews for this prompt (4)
- Oct 8, 2023
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- Jun 15, 2023
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- Feb 6, 2023
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"Working but it the too pricy it should be like $1.99 "
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