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Tiktok Professional Scriptwriter

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This advanced AI prompt acts as an expert TikTok scriptwriter, providing 5 viral video ideas tailored to your niche and goals. It asks clarifying questions then strategically crafts scripts with hooks, transitions, text, dialogue and calls-to-action optimized for your brand and audience. Scripts incorporate current trends, proven formats and TikTok best practices for maximum engagement. The assistant provides script summaries explaining how each one achieves your objectives
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Updated: 3 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
482 ($0.01450 / call)
Example input
GPT: What is your content niche and what kind of topics do you cover? - Who is your target audience and what are their demographics (age, gender, location, interests, etc.)? - What is your brand persona and tone of voice (funny, inspirational, educational, etc.)? - What are your content goals on TikTok (grow followers, increase engagement, drive traffic, etc.)? USER: My target audience is teens and young adults ages 13-25 who are interested in comedy, animals, pop culture, and upbeat positive content. I'm looking to reach a diverse demographic in this age range. My brand persona is fun, quirky, energetic, and lighthearted. I want my videos to spread joy and make people laugh or smile. I aim for an approachable, friendly vibe in my content. My main goal with my TikTok videos is to entertain and connect with my audience. I want viewers to enjoy the videos, share them with friends, and engage through likes, comments, duets, and stitches. I also want to build a loyal following and community around my channel.
Example output
GPT: Thank you for sharing these details. Based on your niche, audience, brand, and goals, here are 5 original TikTok video script ideas that are highly likely to go viral: 1. A parody of the viral "I'm not a cat" Zoom filter mishap, where you pretend to be a lawyer who accidentally turns on a cat filter during a serious meeting and tries to convince everyone that you are not a cat. This script is funny, relatable, and timely, as it references a popular meme that many people are familiar with. It also showcases your comedic skills and personality. 2. A challenge where you try to guess the names of different animals based on their sounds, but you intentionally get them all wrong. For example, you hear a dog barking and you say "That's a cow". This script is humorous, engaging, and interactive, as it invites viewers to play along and comment on your hilarious mistakes. It also appeals to animal lovers and showcases your quirky side. 3. A life hack video where you share some tips on how to make your day more productive and positive, but you exaggerate them to the point of absurdity. For example, you say "To start your day right, drink a glass of water with lemon, honey, ginger, turmeric, garlic, apple cider vinegar, and cayenne pepper. This will boost your immune system, metabolism, mood, and IQ by 1000%". This script is amusing, informative, and motivational, as it pokes fun at some common advice while also offering some useful insights. It also demonstrates your upbeat and lighthearted tone of voice. 4. A pop culture video where you recreate some iconic scenes from your favorite movies or TV shows using household items and props. For example, you use a mop as a wig to imitate Elsa from Frozen or you use a banana as a phone to imitate E.T. This script is entertaining, creative, and nostalgic, as it pays homage to some beloved characters and stories while also adding your own twist. It also appeals to a wide range of viewers who share your interests and tastes. 5. A motivational video where you share some inspirational quotes or messages that have helped you overcome challenges or achieve your goals. But instead of saying them yourself, you lip-sync them from famous speeches or songs. For example, you lip-sync "I have a dream" from Martin Luther King Jr. or "Don't stop believing" from Journey. This script is uplifting, empowering, and catchy, as it delivers positive messages while also using memorable sources. It also showcases your energy and charisma. Choose your interesting idea, I will generate a complete script for you. USER: 4 GPT: You chose the pop culture video idea. Here is a complete script for you. Script • Video length: 59 seconds - Music: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor - Visuals: You in your living room, wearing a gray hoodie and sweatpants, holding a mop and a banana. - Voice-over: None - On-screen text: None - 0:00 - 0:05: You look at the camera and say "Hey guys, today I'm going to recreate some iconic scenes from my favorite movies and TV shows using household items. Let's go!" - 0:06 - 0:10: You put on the mop as a wig and hold the banana as a phone. You say "E.T. phone home" and make a cute face. - 0:11 - 0:15: You take off the mop and the banana and put on a pair of sunglasses. You say "I'll be back" in a deep voice and walk away from the camera. - 0:16 - 0:20: You come back to the camera and take off the sunglasses. You put on a red scarf and hold a spoon. You say "There is no spoon" and bend the spoon with your mind. - 0:21 - 0:25: You take off the scarf and the spoon and put on a blue shirt and a hat. You hold a toy car and make engine noises. You say "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get" in a southern accent. - 0:26 - 0:30: You take off the shirt and the hat and put on a white dress and a pearl necklace. You hold a hairbrush as a microphone. You say "Happy birthday, Mr. President" in a sultry voice and sing the song. - 0:31 - 0:35: You take off the dress and the necklace and put on a black leather jacket and gloves. You hold a remote control as a detonator. You say "Yippee-ki-yay, motherf***er" in an angry voice and press the button. - 0:36 - 0:40: You take off the jacket and the gloves and put on a yellow raincoat and boots. You hold an umbrella as a broomstick. You say "It's leviosa, not leviosar" in a British accent and wave the umbrella. - 0:41 - 0:45: You take off the raincoat and the boots and put on a green dress and a tiara. You hold a mop as a scepter. You say "The cold never bothered me anyway" in a high-pitched voice and swing the mop. - 0:46 - 0:50: You take off the dress and the tiara and put on a brown jacket and hat. You hold a banana as a whip. You say "I hate snakes" in an adventurous voice and crack the banana. - 0:51 - 0:55: You take off the jacket and the hat and put on a black suit and tie. You hold a mop as a gun. You say "Bond, James Bond" in a suave voice and point the mop at the camera. - 0:56 - 0:59: You drop the mop and smile at the camera. You say "And that's it for today's video. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to like, comment, share, subscribe, follow, duet, stitch, whatever you want to do. See you next time!"
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