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Tiktok Viral Video Ideas Generator

Tiktok Viral Video Ideas Generator gpt prompt mini thumbnail
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This prompt gives you a bunch of video ideas that have the potential to go viral. 1. you will get 5 video Ideas for your niche/topic 2. you will get caption ideas for the video ideas 3. you will get some hints, how to create viral video content
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
55 ($0.00110 / call)
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30-second workout challenges: Showcase a series of quick and intense workouts that can be done in 30 seconds. Encourage your followers to join in and tag their friends to participate. This type of video is likely to go viral because it is short, easy to follow and can be done anywhere. Caption: "Who's ready for a 30-second workout challenge? 💪 #30secondchallenge #fitnesschallenge" Yoga Poses for Beginners: Demonstrate basic yoga poses and sequences that are perfect for beginners. Share tips and modifications to help make yoga accessible to everyone. This type of video is likely to go viral because it appeals to a wide audience and is easy to follow. Caption: "Start your yoga journey today with these beginner-friendly poses! 🧘‍♀️ #yogaforbeginners #fitlife" At-home workout routines: Create videos that showcase effective workout routines that can be done at home with minimal equipment. This type of video is likely to go viral because it appeals to people who are looking for convenient ways to stay fit. Caption: "No gym, no problem! Get fit at home with this full-body workout 💪 #athomeworkout #fitlife" Healthy food hacks: Share healthy food tips and recipes that are easy to make and delicious. This type of video is likely to go viral because it appeals to people who are interested in healthy eating but may not have a lot of time or cooking skills. Caption: "Eating healthy has never been easier with these simple food hacks 🥑 #healthyeating #fitfood" Fun dance workouts: Create videos that showcase fun dance workouts that are easy to follow and great for getting your heart rate up. This type of video is likely to go viral because it combines exercise with entertainment, making it appealing to a wide audience. Caption: "Get fit and have fun with these dance workouts 💃 #danceworkout #fitfun" How to create viral content: Be authentic and genuine. People are more likely to share content that they feel is real and honest. Create relatable content that appeals to a wide audience. Make use of popular hashtags to increase visibility and reach. Encourage engagement by asking questions or inviting your followers to participate. Keep your videos short, engaging, and visually appealing.
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