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A Automatically Inspired Author

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This is a prompt for ChatGPT that causes it to write a book automatically. Write a full novel in the style of any author you choose! Let it go by itself or gently guide it to completion. No need for writing or editing skills - just sit back and watch it create from scratch, or input vague ideas.
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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451 ($0.01350 / call)
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Continue, begin chapter 2
Example output
{✍️Author✍️} Title: A day in the life of a frog Chapter 2: Frog business The sun rose over the pond, casting a warm glow over the lily pads and reeds. Among them, a small green frog named Freddy hopped out of his cozy hiding spot and began his day. Freddy had a busy schedule ahead of him. He needed to catch breakfast, avoid being eaten by predators, and find a mate to start a family with. It was all in a day's work for a frog. With a quick hop, Freddy landed on a lily pad and began scanning the water for his breakfast. He spotted a plump dragonfly hovering above the water's surface and licked his lips in anticipation. Freddy tensed his powerful legs, ready to pounce. But just as he was about to strike, a shadow fell over the water. Freddy looked up to see a large bird swooping down towards him. He quickly abandoned his hunt and dove into the water, narrowly avoiding the bird's sharp talons. Freddy surfaced and took a deep breath. He was safe, for now. He knew he had to be more careful if he wanted to survive in the dangerous world of the pond. As he swam towards the shore, Freddy spotted a group of female frogs sunbathing on a nearby rock. He felt a surge of excitement as he approached them, hoping to catch one's eye. But before he could even introduce himself, a rival male frog hopped onto the rock and began showing off his impressive vocal skills. Freddy knew he couldn't compete with that and decided to move on. With a heavy heart, Freddy continued his search for food and a mate, knowing that the life of a frog was never easy. {💡Inspirer💡} As Freddy moves on from the rock, he spots something peculiar on the shore. It's a small glass bottle that's partially buried in the mud. It looks like it's been there for a while, and it piques Freddy's curiosity. He hops towards it, curious to see what's inside. {✍️Author✍️} Chapter 2: The Bottle Freddy hopped over to the shore and examined the glass bottle. It was partially buried in the mud, but he could make out some words etched onto the side. He couldn't read them, but he was intrigued nonetheless. With a quick flick of his powerful legs, Freddy dug the bottle out of the mud and held it up to the light. The bottle was old, and the glass was thick and cloudy. He couldn't see inside, but he could hear something sloshing around. Freddy felt a surge of excitement as he realized he had stumbled upon a mystery. He couldn't wait to find out what was inside the bottle. He tried to unscrew the cap with his tiny frog hands, but it wouldn't budge. He knew he needed a tool, something to help him open it. That's when he remembered a story his grandmother used to tell him about a wise old turtle who lived in a nearby pond. The turtle was known for his vast knowledge and was always willing to help those in need. Without a second thought, Freddy hopped back into the water and set off towards the turtle's pond, determined to seek his help. {💡Inspirer💡} As Freddy makes his way to the turtle's pond, he overhears a group of frogs talking about a recent sighting of a mysterious creature in the pond. The frogs describe it as a large, dark shape that moves quickly through the water. Freddy is curious and wonders if the turtle might know what it is. {✍️Author User continue with chapter 2 ChatGPT {✍️Author✍️} As Freddy approached the turtle's pond, he couldn't help but think about the mysterious creature the other frogs had been talking about. He wondered if the turtle would know anything about it. When he arrived, he spotted the wise old turtle basking on a rock in the sun. Freddy approached him and asked for his help opening the bottle. The turtle listened patiently and nodded in agreement. "I may have just the tool for you," he said. "But before I give it to you, I must warn you about a dangerous creature that has been spotted in the pond." Freddy's ears perked up. "Yes, I heard about that too. Do you know what it is?" The turtle hesitated for a moment before replying, "I believe it may be a snake. A very large one at that. It's not to be trifled with." Freddy's heart raced. He knew he had to be careful. "Thank you for the warning," he said. "But I really need to open this bottle. Can you help me?" The turtle nodded and led Freddy to a nearby rock. He reached under the rock and pulled out a long, thin stick. "This should do the trick," he said, handing it to Freddy. Freddy took the stick and hopped back to the shore. With the stick, he was able to pry off the bottle's cap and peek inside. What he saw left him stunned. {💡Inspirer💡} Inside the bottle, Freddy finds a small, rolled-up piece of paper. When he unfurls it, he sees a map that leads to a hidden treasure on the other side of the pond. But to get there, he'll have to traverse dangerous territory and avoid the snake. User continue ChatGPT {✍️Author✍️} Freddy's eyes widened as he examined the map. It was old and yellowed, but the lines and symbols on it were clear. It was a map to a treasure, buried on the other side of the pond. But as he studied the map, Freddy realized that getting to the treasure would be no easy feat. The path led through treacherous terrain, past murky bogs and overhanging branches. And of course, there was the snake to worry about. Freddy felt a mixture of excitement and fear. He had always dreamed of finding treasure, but he knew the risks involved. He wondered if he should turn back and forget about the map altogether. But as he looked back at the bottle in his hand, he knew he couldn't. Something about the map had captured his imagination, and he couldn't resist the lure of adventure. With a determined hop, Freddy set off on his journey. He knew he had to be careful if he wanted to make it to the other side of the pond alive. As he made his way through the murky waters and overhanging branches, he couldn't help but think about the snake. He wondered where it was now and if it was watching him. Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes. Freddy froze, his heart pounding in his chest. He saw a dark shape slithering towards him, and he knew it was the snake. Freddy had to think fast. He knew he couldn't outrun the snake, but he also knew he had a secret weapon. With a deep breath, he puffed up his throat and let out a loud, intimidating croak. The snake recoiled in surprise, giving Freddy just enough time to hop away. He knew he had to keep his wits about him if he wanted to survive this adventure. {💡Inspirer💡} As Freddy continues on his journey, he comes across a group of frogs who are also searching for the treasure. They're a friendly bunch and invite him to join them on their quest. Freddy is hesitant at first, but he realizes that it might be safer to travel in a group.
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