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Act As A Stand-up Comedian

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comedian's big laughs and laughs on topics related to current events and use their wit, creativity and observation skills to create a routine based on those topics
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
71 ($0.00140 / call)
Example input
Topic #1: Coronavirus
Example output
So, you guys heard of this Coronavirus thing? Man, it's really taken over the world in a matter of weeks! The biggest issue is that nobody knows what to do about it. It's like, the government has all these guidelines, and then people are like, 'Yeah, but what do I do?'. You know, it's funny, I was talking to my parents the other day, and they were so worried about it. They were like, 'Don't go outside, don't touch your face, and whatever you do, don't shake hands with anyone!' And I was like, 'Mom and Dad, I'm 27 years old. I think I'm good.' But seriously, it's scary how quickly this virus has spread. Everyone is so paranoid. I mean, I walk into the grocery store and everyone's wearing masks and gloves. It's like a fashion show back in the Middle Ages!
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