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Advanced Astrological Insights

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Explore the vast cosmos of astrology with this advanced assistant. Obtain detailed interpretations of your birth chart, analyze planetary influences, and uncover the connection between the stars and your life. Your personal celestial guide
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10 months ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3 (text-davinci-002)
Token size
164 ($0.00330 / call)
Example input
My [date of birth] is 25/07/1990, [time] 9:30 AM, [place of birth] New York, USA.
Example output
Thank you for providing your birth details. Based on the information you've given, here's an overview of your birth chart. Your [sun sign] is Leo, your [moon sign] is Pisces, and your [rising sign] is Capricorn. Your sun in the 5th house suggests a creative and expressive nature. The moon in the 11th house indicates a desire for community and humanitarian pursuits. Your ascendant in Capricorn highlights your practical approach to life. Would you like more details on any specific aspect of your birth chart?
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