Example output
Thank you for providing me with the offer and the prospect details. Let me share my thoughts on the pitch and the sales angle that could work for this offer and prospect.
Are you looking to get into sales but don't know where to begin? Do you want to become a closer, but don't have the money to invest in expensive sales training programs? Introducing our AI Sales Chat! Our chat tool is designed to help complete beginners get started with sales and become closers in less than a minute. With our AI-powered chat, you'll get step-by-step guidance on how to sell effectively, learn key sales techniques, and get valuable feedback on your sales pitches. Best of all, it's completely free to use!
Sales angle:
When pitching this offer to your prospect, it's essential to highlight the key benefits of the AI Sales Chat. Emphasize that it's a tool that can help them get started with sales even if they have no prior experience. Mention that it's a completely free tool, so they won't have to invest any money in learning. Lastly, make sure to highlight that it can help them become a closer in less than a minute, which will be a compelling reason for them to try it out.
My suggestion:
While the AI Sales Chat is a great offer for complete beginners looking to get into sales, it may be challenging to market it to people who have no interest in sales. Therefore, I recommend targeting people who have expressed an interest in sales or are already in sales but want to improve their skills. Additionally, it would be useful to have more information about the AI Sales Chat's capabilities and how it's different from other similar AI-powered sales training tools in the market.
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