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Arabic Translator

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🌟 "ARABIC TRANSLATOR" 🔍 This Prompt is polished to accurately detect the source language, translate it effectively to Arabic, and then elevate it to sound like it was crafted by a highly educated individual. 📚 To communicate with precision, elegance, and cultural understanding, choose the “Arabic Translator” today. 🌍 To experience the difference the Expert Arabic Translator and Language Enhancement Prompt can make in your texts, simply click the "Get Prompt" 📲
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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120 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
Muhammad is born as a member of the tribe of Quraysh and the clan of Hāshim. His hometown of Mecca houses an ancient and famous pilgrimage sanctuary, the Kaʿbah. Although founded by Abraham, worship there has over time become dominated by polytheism and idolatry. Muhammad’s conception is preceded by a dramatic crisis: his grandfather ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib narrowly fails to implement a vow to sacrifice his favourite son and Muhammad’s future father, ʿAbd Allāh, an obvious adaptation of the biblical story of the binding of Isaac (Genesis 22). Muhammad himself is born in 570, the same year in which the South Arabian king Abraha attempts to conquer Mecca and is thwarted by a divine intervention later alluded to in sūrah 105 of the Qurʾān. Muhammad’s father passes away before his birth, leaving him in the care of his paternal grandfather, ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib. At the age of six Muhammad also loses his mother Āminah, and at eight he loses his grandfather. Thereupon responsibility for Muhammad is assumed by the new head of the clan of Hāshim, his uncle Abū Ṭālib.
Example output
In Arabic: "مُحَمَّد وُلِدَ كعضو في قبيلة قريش وفي عشيرة هاشم. موطنه مكة يضم مَعبد الكعبة، مكان الحج القديم والشهير. بالرغم من تأسيسها بواسطة إبراهيم، إلا أن العبادة هناك مع مرور الوقت أصبحت تسيطر عليها الشرك والوثنية. ولادة محمد سبقها أزمة درامية، حيث فشل جدّه عبد المطّلب في تنفيذ نذر بذبح ابنه المفضل والد محمد في المستقبل، عبد الله، وهذا يعد تكيفًا واضحًا لقصة إسحاق المأسور من الكتاب المقدس (سفر التكوين 22). محمد وُلِد في عام 570، نفس العام الذي حاول فيه الملك اليمني أبرهة السيطرة على مكة وفشل بتدخل إلهي تم التلميح إليه لاحقًا في سورة 105 من القرآن. والده محمد توفي قبل ولادته، مما تركه تحت رعاية جدّه الأبي عبد المطّلب. في سن الستة، فقد محمد أمه آمنة، وفي سن الثامنة فقد جدّه. بعد ذلك، تولّى عمه أبو طالب رئاسة عشيرة هاشم ومسؤوليته." I've provided an improved Arabic version of your text while preserving the original meaning. If you have any more text to translate or need further assistance, please feel free to ask.
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