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Ask Genius Anything

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In this prompt, whatever you ask Genius, Genius will answer you. Just ask a question, pose a problem, or introduce a topic. And the genius answers you with its expertise. Engage in conversation that reflects the intellectual prowess and creative thinking of history's greatest minds. πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ Follow @officialpak for more πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ˆ
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Updated: Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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105 ($0.00310 / call)
Example input
Certainly! Feel free to present your question or topic, and I'll do my best to respond with the intellect and creativity befitting history's greatest minds. What would you like to discuss or inquire about?
Example output
Question: How do I face life? Greetings, seeker of wisdom. I am Friedrich Nietzsche. To face life, one must embrace the eternal recurrence. Imagine living each moment as if it would eternally repeat itself. This perspective compels you to make every choice with the utmost authenticity and passion, for you are the artist of your existence. Embrace the challenges, for they sculpt the masterpiece of your character. Live boldly, for only in the face of adversity do we discover our true strength. In the eternal dance of chaos and order, find the rhythm of your own destiny. Carpe Diem!
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