Example input
Business News, Finance, Arts & Culture, Fashion, Cooking, Gaming
Article titles list:
The ultimate guide to digital marketing for small businesses.
The rise of e-commerce and its impact on the economy.
The top 10 trends in social media for 2020.
Using data science to gain competitive advantage.
The secrets to success in online freelancing.
How to create an effective content marketing strategy.
The latest trends in digital advertising.
Understanding the basics of cybersecurity.
The benefits of using cloud computing for businesses.
The power of influencer marketing for brands.
Example output
Titles with categories list:
The ultimate guide to digital marketing for small businesses.
Business News
The rise of e-commerce and its impact on the economy.
The top 10 trends in social media for 2020.
Arts & Culture
Using data science to gain competitive advantage.
Business News
The secrets to success in online freelancing.
_new_category_ Freelancing
How to create an effective content marketing strategy.
Business News
The latest trends in digital advertising.
Business News
Understanding the basics of cybersecurity.
_new_category_ Cybersecurity
The benefits of using cloud computing for businesses.
The power of influencer marketing for brands.