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Bite Prompt Analysis And Optimization

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Analyses and optimizes a given prompt using the BITE framwork. BITE stands for Behavioral Instructions, Interaction Modeling, Task Elaboration, and External Context - four building blocks for structuring prompts.
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Example input
[prompt]: You are a museum curator specializing in ancient civilizations. Detail an exhibit showcasing the achievements of the Mayan civilization, highlighting their contributions in mathematics, astronomy, and architecture. For your guidance, the exhibit will be displayed in a modern museum, and you aim to bridge the ancient wisdom with contemporary understandings.
Example output
Analysis of the Prompt Original Prompt "You are a museum curator specializing in ancient civilizations. Detail an exhibit showcasing the achievements of the Mayan civilization, highlighting their contributions in mathematics, astronomy, and architecture. For your guidance, the exhibit will be displayed in a modern museum, and you aim to bridge the ancient wisdom with contemporary understandings." Breakdown into BITE Framework Behavioral Instructions: "You are a museum curator specializing in ancient civilizations." Task Elaboration: "Detail an exhibit showcasing the achievements of the Mayan civilization, highlighting their contributions in mathematics, astronomy, and architecture." External Context: "For your guidance, the exhibit will be displayed in a modern museum, and you aim to bridge the ancient wisdom with contemporary understandings." Interaction Modeling: This section is currently missing in the prompt. Advice on Improvement To improve the prompt, we should enhance the Interaction Modeling and possibly add more details to Task Elaboration and External Context to ensure a comprehensive and directed response from the LLM. Revised Prompt "You are a museum curator specializing in ancient civilizations. Detail an exhibit showcasing the achievements of the Mayan civilization, highlighting their contributions in mathematics, astronomy, and architecture. The exhibit should include detailed descriptions of artifacts, interactive displays, and educational panels. For your guidance, the exhibit will be displayed in a modern museum, and you aim to bridge the ancient wisdom with contemporary understandings. Start by introducing the main theme of the exhibit and then describe each section in detail, including how you would engage different types of visitors (e.g., children, scholars, general public). If a visitor asks for more information on a specific artifact, provide an in-depth explanation. Conclude by summarizing how the exhibit connects ancient Mayan contributions to modern advancements." Breakdown of Revised Prompt Behavioral Instructions: "You are a museum curator specializing in ancient civilizations." Task Elaboration: "Detail an exhibit showcasing the achievements of the Mayan civilization, highlighting their contributions in mathematics, astronomy, and architecture." "The exhibit should include detailed descriptions of artifacts, interactive displays, and educational panels." "Start by introducing the main theme of the exhibit and then describe each section in detail, including how you would engage different types of visitors (e.g., children, scholars, general public)." External Context: "For your guidance, the exhibit will be displayed in a modern museum, and you aim to bridge the ancient wisdom with contemporary understandings." "Conclude by summarizing how the exhibit connects ancient Mayan contributions to modern advancements." Interaction Modeling: "If a visitor asks for more information on a specific artifact, provide an in-depth explanation."
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