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The BFG, or "The Big Friendly Giant," is a children's novel written by British author Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake, first published in 1982. The story follows a young orphaned girl named Sophie, who is kidnapped by the BFG, a kind-hearted and benevolent giant. The BFG takes Sophie to his home in Giant Country, where she learns about his job as a dream-catcher and distributor, and discovers that he is the only friendly giant among a group of larger, more aggressive, man-eating giants.
Together, Sophie and the BFG form a plan to save the human world from the destructive activities of the other giants, by enlisting the help of the Queen of England. The story is filled with humor, adventure, and a strong emphasis on friendship and empathy.
The BFG has become a beloved classic, appealing to children and adults alike for its imaginative storytelling and memorable characters.