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Book Summary Creator

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This prompt will allow you to use ChatGPT to summarize any book quickly and effectively, so you can make an informed decision on whether to read (or buy!) the book. It provides a comprehensive summary including a brief explanation of what the book is about, the key takeaways, what each chapter covers, and similar reading.
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1 year ago

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Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
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51 ($0.00100 / call)
Example input
Replace [BOOK] with the name of your desired book (adding the author name if desired): [BOOK]: The Art of War [BOOK]: The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Example output
Key takeaways from The Art of War include the importance of strategy and planning in warfare, the value of understanding and adapting to one's opponents, the use of deception and surprise in battle, and the importance of leadership and discipline among troops. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding and utilizing the elements of the battlefield, such as terrain and weather. The Art of War is a classic Chinese military treatise written by Sun Tzu in the 5th century BC. It is a guide for leaders on how to successfully conduct warfare, focusing on strategy and tactics, as well as the psychological and political aspects of warfare. The text is divided into 13 chapters, each of which covers a specific aspect of warfare, such as planning and deployment of troops, use of spies and intelligence, and strategies for winning battles. The first chapter of The Art of War, "Laying Plans," deals with the importance of planning and strategy in warfare. The second chapter, "Waging War," covers the use of force and the importance of understanding one's opponents. The third chapter, "Attack by Stratagem," discusses the use of deception and surprise in battle. The fourth chapter, "Tactical Dispositions," covers the deployment of troops and positioning of forces on the battlefield. The fifth chapter, "Energy," focuses on the importance of leadership and discipline among troops. The sixth chapter, "Weak Points and Strong," deals with identifying and exploiting the weaknesses of one's opponents. The seventh chapter, "Maneuvering," covers the use of terrain and weather to gain advantage in battle. The eighth chapter, "Variation in Tactics," discusses adapting to the changing circumstances of warfare. The ninth chapter, "The Army on the March," covers the logistics and supply of troops on the move. The tenth chapter, "Terrain," focuses on the importance of understanding and utilizing the elements of the battlefield. The eleventh chapter, "The Nine Situations," covers the nine different types of battlefields and strategies for each. The twelfth chapter, "The Attack by Fire," deals with the use of fire in warfare. The thirteenth chapter, "The Use of Spies," covers the importance of intelligence and espionage in warfare. Similar reading to The Art of War includes "The Prince" by Machiavelli, "The Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi, and "On War" by Carl von Clausewitz. Other works on strategy and leadership, such as "The Art of Strategy" by R.W. Wood and "Leadership Secrets of the World's Most Successful CEOs" by Eric Yaverbaum, may also be of interest.
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