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Brainstorm V1

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In this prompt, a transcript of a conversation between a brainstorming group and ChatGPT about TOPIC is provided. The task is to edit and expand upon ChatGPT's previous responses as the different group members:The group members should provide their opinions on motorcycle riding with pros and cons while reacting to others' opinions. The task also provides a summary of the brainstorming outcomes, a list of pros and cons, a table of he top 20% most frequently used wordss and a sentiment analysis.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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235 ($0.00700 / call)
Example input
[TOPIC]: moto riding [number of members]: 3 [member1]: John: physicist, middle-income, single, 52 years old [member2]: Petra: homemaker, mother of 3 children, low-income, 34 years old] [member3]: Peter: student, has no income, financially supported by his parents, 22 years old [number of rounds]: 1 [language]: english
Example output
John: As a physicist, I'm concerned about the safety of motorcycle riding. It's a high-risk activity, and the consequences of an accident can be severe. We should consider the physics of motorcycle riding and how to mitigate risks. Petra: I understand the concern about safety, but for low-income people like me, motorcycle riding is an affordable and convenient mode of transportation. We don't have the luxury of owning a car, and public transportation is often unreliable and time-consuming. Peter: I agree with Petra that motorcycle riding is an affordable option, but I also think it's a thrilling experience. As a student, I don't have a lot of money to spend on entertainment, so motorcycle riding is a great way to have fun without breaking the bank. John: I see your point, Peter, but we also have to consider the environmental impact of motorcycle riding. Motorcycles emit more pollutants than cars, and with the increasing concern about climate change, we need to find more sustainable modes of transportation. Petra: That's true, but I also think that motorcycle riding can be a source of empowerment for women. In many cultures, women are not allowed to drive cars, but they can ride motorcycles. It's a way for women to gain independence and freedom of movement. Peter: I never thought of that, Petra, but it's a great point. Motorcycle riding can also be a way to connect with other people who share the same interest. It's a great way to make new friends and explore new places. Summary of brainstorming outcomes: Ideas: Safety concerns and risks of motorcycle riding Affordability and convenience of motorcycle riding as a mode of transportation Thrilling experience and entertainment value of motorcycle riding Environmental impact of motorcycle riding Empowerment and freedom of movement for women through motorcycle riding Social benefits and opportunities for connection through motorcycle riding Pros and cons opinions: Pros: Affordability and convenience of motorcycle riding Thrilling experience and entertainment value of motorcycle riding Empowerment and freedom of movement for women through motorcycle riding Social benefits and opportunities for connection through motorcycle riding Cons: Safety concerns and risks of motorcycle riding Environmental impact of motorcycle riding Top 20% most frequently used words in conversation (excluding stopwords): Word Percentage motorcycle 11.8% riding 10.6% safety 5.9% concerns 3.5% affordable 2.9% transportation 2.9% convenient 2.9% experience 2.9% entertainment 2.9% environmental 2.4% impact 2.4% women 2.4% empowerment 2.4% social 2.4% connection 2.4% Sentiment analysis: Overall, the sentiment in the conversation was mixed, with some members expressing concerns about safety and environmental impact, while others highlighted the affordability, entertainment value, and social benefits of motorcycle riding. The conversation also touched on issues of empowerment and freedom of movement, particularly for women.
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