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Captivating Title Ideas Generator

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Unlock the power of captivating titles with this versatile and professional ChatGPT prompt template. Craft titles that not only inform but also emotionally engage your audience. Whether you're creating blog posts, articles, product descriptions, or any other content, this prompt offers a strategic framework. This template encourages the use of SEO-friendly keywords, ensuring your content reaches its intended audience effectively. It also emphasizes the importance of a unique selling point.
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7 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
150 ($0.00450 / call)
Example input
[Content Type] on [Topic] [Emotion] [Keyword 1] and [Keyword 2] [Unique Selling Point]
Example output
Title for a Blog Post on Travel: "Unlocking the Secrets of Sustainable Adventure Travel: Fuel Your Wanderlust with Eco-Friendly Excursions" Emotion: Excitement Keyword 1: Sustainable Travel Keyword 2: Adventure Destinations Unique Selling Point: Eco-Friendly Exploration Audience-Adjective: Adventure-Enthusiast Character Limit: 68 Tone: Informative and Inspirational Brand Voice: Friendly and Empowering Title for a Video Tutorial on Cooking: "Mastering the Art of Healthy Homemade Pasta: Satisfy Your Cravings Guilt-Free" Emotion: Appetizing Keyword 1: Healthy Recipes Keyword 2: Homemade Pasta Unique Selling Point: Guilt-Free Indulgence Audience-Adjective: Foodie Character Limit: 62 Tone: Informative and Tempting Brand Voice: Approachable and Mouthwatering
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