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Chinese Translator

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The "Chinese Translator" 🌍 In a world where language makes the difference between regular and exceptional, this Prompt goes beyond just translating. It's about investing in being excellent, understanding, and expressing yourself well. 🌟 If you want to improve your Chinese language skills, the “Chinese Translator” is here to help. 📚 Let's explore the beauty of the Chinese language together! 💬🌸📖🤝🌟
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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98 ($0.00010 / call)
Example input
What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like? Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power. Partners respect each other’s independence, can make their own decisions without fear of retribution or retaliation, and share decisions. If or when a relationship ends, there is no stalking or refusal to let the other partner go. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships Respect for privacy and space. You don’t have to be with your partner 24/7. Your partner encourages you to spend time with friends without them, and to participate in activities that you enjoy. You feel comfortable expressing your opinions and concerns to your partner. Your feel physically safe and your partner doesn’t force you to have sex or to do things that make you feel uncomfortable. Your partner respects your wishes and feelings and you can compromise and negotiate when there are disagreements or conflicts. The foundation of a healthy relationship includes: Boundaries: You and your partner are able to find ways to meet each other’s’ needs in ways that you both feel comfortable with. Communication: You and your partner can share your feelings, even when you don’t agree, in a way that makes the other person feel safe, heard, and not judged. Trust: Building trust can take time and allows couples to be vulnerable with one another knowing that they can rely on the other person. Consent: Most commonly used when you’re being sexually active, giving consent means that you are okay with what is happening, and that no one is forcing you or guilting you into doing anything that you don’t want to do. Consent can be given and taken back at any time, and giving consent once does not mean you automatically give consent in the future.
Example output
健康的恋爱关系应当具备哪些特征? 健康的恋爱关系建立在诚实、信任、尊重和伴侣之间开放的沟通基础上,需要双方的共同努力和妥协。不应存在权力不平衡。伴侣之间应相互尊重对方的独立性,能够自主决策而无须担忧遭受报复或报仇,并能共同决策。如果恋爱关系终结,不应有骚扰或拒绝对方的放手。 健康恋爱关系的特点包括: 尊重隐私和空间。不必每时每刻都与伴侣在一起。 伴侣鼓励你独自与朋友相处,参加你喜欢的活动。 你感到可以自在地表达自己的意见和关切给伴侣听。 你感到在身体上安全,伴侣不会强迫你发生性关系或做让你感到不舒服的事情。 伴侣尊重你的愿望和感受,当发生分歧或冲突时,你们能够妥协和协商。 建立健康恋爱关系的基石包括: 界限:你和伴侣能够找到满足对方需求的方式,而不让任何一方感到不舒服。 沟通:你和伴侣能够分享自己的感受,即使意见不合,也能以一种让对方感到安全、被倾听和不受评判的方式来表达。 信任:建立信任需要时间,使伴侣可以在彼此之间脆弱,因为他们知道可以依赖对方。 同意:在性行为中最常用,同意意味着你对所发生的事情感到满意,没有人会强迫你或通过催感来做你不愿意的事情。同意可以随时给予和收回,一次同意并不意味着你将来自动同意。
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