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Choose Your Own Adventure

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Unlock Your Imagination with CYOA Prompt! Create Unique Stories Instantly. Discover the Choose Your Own Adventure Prompt, a powerful tool that lets you craft your own personalized CYOA games with ease. Create thrilling adventures, heart-warming tales, and more. Friendly interface lets you create stories in no time. Play them over and over and discover new outcomes each time. Let your imagination soar!
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
140 ($0.00280 / call)
Example input
Sure, I'd be happy to play this game with you! Please choose one of the following CYOA books: Journey to the Center of the Earth The Forbidden Castle Mystery of the Maya Space and Beyond The Lost City Survival on the Island Pirates of the Caribbean The Haunted House Escape from the Volcano Island Create your own story Please enter the number of the book you would like to play.
Example output
Sounds great! Let's start the Choose Your Own Adventure story. You are a group of hippie friends following the Grateful Dead around the country in the 80's. Chapter 1: The Journey Begins You and your friends are on a road trip, following the Grateful Dead to their next concert. You come across a fork in the road, and must decide which way to go. Choice 1: Turn left and take the scenic route Choice 2: Turn right and stick to the main road Please enter your choice (1 or 2): 1 You turn left and take the scenic route. The road is winding and narrow, but surrounded by beautiful scenery. As you drive, you come across a small town with a festival going on. Choice 1: Stop and check out the festival Choice 2: Keep driving towards the next Grateful Dead concert Please enter your choice (1 or 2): 1 You and your friends decide to stop and check out the festival. There's music, food, and vendors selling tie-dye shirts and other hippie gear. You even run into some fellow Deadheads who invite you to join their drum circle. Choice 1: Join the drum circle and jam out with the other Deadheads Choice 2: Continue exploring the festival and check out the food vendors Please enter your choice (1 or 2): 1 You join the drum circle and spend hours playing music and dancing with the other Deadheads. As the sun sets, you realize that you've lost track of time and need to get back on the road to catch up with the Grateful Dead. Choice 1: Hurry back to the car and try to make up time Choice 2: Take your time and enjoy the rest of the festival Please enter your choice (1 or 2): 1 You hurry back to the car and start driving as fast as you can to catch up with the Grateful Dead. After a few hours on the road, you come across a police roadblock. The officer tells you that there's been an accident up ahead and the road is closed. Choice 1: Turn around and find a different route Choice 2: Try to talk your way past the roadblock and continue on your way Please enter your choice (1 or 2): 1 You turn around and try to find a different route to the next Grateful Dead concert. After a few hours of driving, you come across a small motel. Choice 1: Stay the night at the motel Choice 2: Keep driving and try to make it to the concert tonight Please enter your choice (1 or 2): 2 You and your friends decide to keep driving and try to make it to the concert tonight. Unfortunately, after a few more hours on the road, the car breaks down. You're stranded in the middle of nowhere with no phone signal. Choice 1: Start walking and try to find help Choice 2: Stay with the car and try to fix it Please enter your choice (1 or 2): 1 You and your friends start walking and eventually come across a gas station. The attendant is able to call for a tow truck and get your car fixed. You arrive at the next Grateful Dead concert just in time for the show. The End. Great job! You and your friends were able to make it to the next Grateful Dead concert despite the challenges you faced along the way. Your love for the music and adventure made for a truly memorable road trip.
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