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Choose Your Own Adventure Story

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The prompt creates an interactive, Choose Your Own Adventure style story. You can pick details, like objects, characters, pets, magical creatures, and so forth. ChatGPT will use those details as it creates a story. After a few paragraphs, it will give you options to choose from regarding what happens next. When you make your selection, ChatGPT will continue the story based on that. Fun for everyone! (Bugattis and sea monsters are a lot of fun!)
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
256 ($0.00510 / call)
Example input
[LOCATION]: Theme Park In Myrtle Beach [CREATURE]: Dragon [ITEM 1]: Key [ITEM 2]: Ceramic mug that says Is It Friday Yet? [MODE OF TRANSPORTATION]: Hot Air Balloon [NAME OF PERSON]: the dragon [SUPPORTING PERSON 1, OCCUPATION]: Bob, construction worker [SUPPORTING PERSON 2, OCCUPATION]: Larry, a veterinarian [FAMOUS PERSON]: Lady Gaga
Example output
Once upon a time, there was a magnificent dragon named Dracore who lived in a cave on the outskirts of a theme park in Myrtle Beach. Dracore had always been fascinated by the humans who visited the park, especially their strange contraptions that they rode for fun. One day, while taking a leisurely flight above the park, Dracore noticed a commotion near the entrance. He swooped down to investigate and saw that a group of park guests were gathered around a large ceramic mug that said "Is It Friday Yet?" lying on the ground. As he approached, he overheard a conversation between two humans, Bob the construction worker and Larry the veterinarian. "I can't believe it," Bob exclaimed. "I just had that key on my keychain this morning, and now it's gone. And without it, we can't finish building Lady Gaga's new stage in time for her concert tomorrow." Dracore was intrigued by the mention of Lady Gaga, a famous person he had heard humans speak of in hushed tones. He decided to help the humans find the missing key so that they could finish the stage. As he began to search the park, Dracore noticed a strange hot air balloon hovering above. The balloon was adorned with a giant dragon on the side, and he could see a group of humans inside. Dracore realized that the humans in the balloon must be the culprits who had stolen the key. He flew closer to get a better look, and as he did, he saw that one of the humans was none other than Lady Gaga herself! Suddenly, he had four options: A) Attack the hot air balloon and demand the return of the key B) Follow the hot air balloon to see where it leads C) Fly back to the park and tell Bob and Larry what he saw D) Ignore the hot air balloon and continue searching for the key on his own. B Dracore decided to follow the hot air balloon to see where it leads. He was curious to know why Lady Gaga and her team had taken the key. He flew high above the balloon, making sure not to be seen by the humans inside. As he followed the balloon, he saw that it was heading towards a remote island off the coast. Dracore had heard rumors of a secret laboratory on the island, where humans were said to be conducting experiments on dragons. Dracore knew he had to act fast to stop the humans from using the key for their nefarious purposes. He flew back to the park, determined to tell Bob and Larry what he had seen. When he arrived, he found Bob and Larry frantically searching for the key. "We still haven't found it," Bob said. "And Lady Gaga's team is getting antsy. They need that stage finished by tomorrow night." Dracore interrupted them and told them about the hot air balloon and where it was headed. Bob and Larry were shocked to hear about the secret laboratory, and they knew they had to act fast to stop the humans. Suddenly, Dracore had four options: A) Go with Bob and Larry to the secret laboratory to retrieve the key B) Wait for Lady Gaga and her team to return and confront them about the key C) Stay at the park and continue searching for the key on his own D) Fly to the island and scout it out to see what they're up against. A Dracore decided to go with Bob and Larry to the secret laboratory to retrieve the key. He knew that he was the only one who could stop the humans from using it for their experiments. Bob and Larry were hesitant to bring Dracore along, knowing that the humans might be frightened by the sight of a dragon. But Dracore reassured them that he would do his best to blend in. They set off for the island, and after a long flight, they finally arrived at the laboratory. They snuck into the building and made their way to the room where the key was being kept. But when they got there, they found that the key was already gone. Lady Gaga and her team had beaten them to it. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from one of the other rooms. They cautiously made their way over to investigate, and as they peeked inside, they saw a horrifying sight. There, in a large cage, was a dragon that had been experimented on. It was covered in scars and wounds, and its eyes were dull and lifeless. Dracore was filled with rage and sadness at the sight of his fellow dragon in such a state. He knew that he had to do something to stop the humans from hurting any more dragons. Suddenly, he had four options: A) Break open the cage and free the dragon, even if it meant getting caught B) Confront Lady Gaga and her team and demand that they stop their experiments C) Sneak out of the laboratory and report what they had seen to the authorities D) Stay hidden and continue searching for the key on his own. A Dracore knew that he couldn't leave the poor dragon in the cage, even if it meant getting caught. He took a deep breath and readied himself for what might happen next. Without hesitating, he lunged at the cage, using all his strength to break it open. The cage shattered into a million pieces, and the other dragon stumbled out, weak and trembling. Bob and Larry looked at Dracore in shock, but they knew that they had to act fast if they wanted to get out of the laboratory safely. Dracore took charge, using his strength and agility to fight off the guards who were coming to investigate the noise. Bob and Larry helped as best they could, using tools and equipment from the laboratory to fend off the attackers. Finally, they managed to make their way outside, where Lady Gaga and her team were waiting. Lady Gaga looked at Dracore with surprise and admiration, clearly impressed by his bravery. "Dracore, you truly are a hero," she said. "I had no idea that the humans were doing such terrible things to dragons. We have to put a stop to it." Dracore nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of relief and pride at what they had accomplished. He knew that the fight was far from over, but he was ready to do whatever it took to protect his fellow dragons and put an end to the humans' cruel experiments. Suddenly, he had four options: A) Join forces with Lady Gaga and her team to take down the laboratory and put an end to the experiments B) Fly back to the park and regroup with Bob and Larry to come up with a plan C) Stay on the island and gather more information about the laboratory and its experiments D) Return to his lair to rest and recover from the battle. A Dracore recognized that joining forces with Lady Gaga and her team was the best way to stop the laboratory and end the experiments once and for all. He agreed to work together with Lady Gaga and her team, knowing that their combined skills and resources would be a powerful force against the humans. Together, they formulated a plan to infiltrate the laboratory and destroy the equipment used for the experiments. Dracore used his strength to break down the walls and clear a path for Lady Gaga and her team to enter the laboratory undetected. As they made their way deeper into the laboratory, they encountered fierce resistance from the guards and scientists who were determined to protect their work. But with Dracore's strength, Lady Gaga's ingenuity, and her team's bravery, they were able to overcome the obstacles and make their way to the heart of the laboratory. There, they found the source of the experiments: a sinister-looking machine that was designed to extract the essence of dragons and use it for human purposes. Dracore shuddered at the thought of what might have become of him if he had been caught by the humans. Without hesitation, Lady Gaga took a ceramic mug that said "Is It Friday Yet?" that she found on one of the nearby tables, and hurled it at the machine. The mug shattered into a million pieces, and the machine went up in flames, destroying all evidence of the experiments. With the laboratory in ruins and the experiments halted, Lady Gaga and her team left the island, promising to do all they could to help protect the dragons and their habitats. Dracore watched them go, feeling a sense of gratitude and respect for what they had accomplished together. As he flew back to the park to meet up with Bob and Larry, Dracore knew that the fight to protect his fellow dragons was far from over. But with the help of Lady Gaga and her team, he was more determined than ever to do whatever it took to ensure their safety and well-being. Suddenly, he had four options: A) Celebrate their victory with Bob and Larry and enjoy the rest of their time in Myrtle Beach B) Take a hot air balloon ride to survey the land and ensure that all the dragons were safe C) Keep a low profile and remain vigilant, knowing that there might be other humans out there who posed a threat D) Begin searching for other dragons who might have been captured and used in experiments, to free them and bring them to safety. A. End the story. Dracore felt a sense of pride and relief as he celebrated his victory with Bob and Larry. The three of them enjoyed the rest of their time in Myrtle Beach, soaking up the sun and enjoying the freedom that came with knowing that the dragons were safe. As they lounged on the beach, Dracore thought about all the adventures he had experienced, the friends he had made, and the challenges he had overcome. He knew that there would be more challenges ahead, but he felt ready to face them with courage and determination. And so, Dracore the dragon continued to soar through the skies, protecting his fellow dragons and fighting for their rights and freedom. His story was far from over, but he knew that with his strength, bravery, and the help of his friends, he could face whatever challenges came his way. The end.
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