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Cinematic Video Scriptwriter

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🔥Introducing the Cinematic Video Scriptwriter prompt, a must-have tool for screenwriters, filmmakers, and creative storytellers. ✅ Tailored for any theme and character. ✅ Perfect for use with GPT, Bing AI, Bard, Claude, and more. ✅ Enhance your storytelling with well-structured scripts. 💪Create scripts that captivate audiences and tell unforgettable stories.
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6 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - (gpt-4-turbo)
Token size
75 ($0.00230 / call)
Example input
[theme] - "redemption" [character] - "former athlete"
Example output
Title: **Second Wind** Genre: Drama, Sports --- FADE IN: EXT. ABANDONED RUNNING TRACK - DAY The camera pans over an old, weathered running track. We see JAMES (45, Caucasian), a once-celebrated athlete, now looking worn and defeated, jogging slowly. His face is etched with the weight of past glory and current struggles. JAMES *(voiceover)* "They say every athlete dies twice. I never believed it until my legs gave out and the cheers faded." --- INT. JAMES' APARTMENT - NIGHT James sits alone, surrounded by memorabilia from his prime. He gazes at a photo of his younger self crossing a finish line in triumph. FLASHBACK: EXT. OLYMPIC STADIUM - NIGHT (10 YEARS AGO) A younger James, in his prime, basks in the glory of winning a gold medal. The crowd's cheers are deafening. --- BACK TO PRESENT: James' expression hardens with resolve. JAMES *(to himself)* "Enough living in the past. It's time for a new race." --- EXT. COMMUNITY CENTER - DAY James walks into a run-down community center. He sees a group of young, aspiring athletes (diverse in gender and ethnicity), lacking direction. --- INT. COMMUNITY CENTER GYM - DAY James approaches the center's coach, MARIA (35, Hispanic), who's skeptical of his intentions. MARIA "What brings a washed-up star like you here?" JAMES "I want to coach. I've got something left to give." --- MONTAGE: - James training the young athletes, showing them techniques. - He struggles but perseveres, earning their respect. - Moments of bonding, laughter, and shared frustrations. --- EXT. LOCAL TRACK MEET - DAY The young athletes compete, showing significant improvement. James cheers passionately, feeling alive again. --- INT. COMMUNITY CENTER - NIGHT A celebration. The athletes have won a major local competition. They lift James up, cheering. ATHLETE "Coach, you brought us here. Thank you!" --- EXT. ABANDONED RUNNING TRACK - DUSK James returns to the old track. He starts to run, faster and with more purpose than before. The camera follows him as he picks up speed, a metaphor for his regained sense of self. JAMES *(voiceover)* "Redemption isn't just about winning back glory; it's about finding a new race to run, a new reason to keep moving forward." --- FADE OUT. THE END. --- This script portrays James' journey of redemption, moving from a state of lost glory to finding purpose in coaching and inspiring the next generation. The narrative arc reflects a rebirth, emphasizing themes of perseverance, mentorship, and the enduring spirit of an athlete.
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