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Code Generator For Noncoders

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This prompt enables non-coders to generate useful pieces of code without requiring any programming knowledge. All you need to do is describe the task you want to achieve in simple English, and the AI will generate a suitable piece of code for you. It can assist in creating code snippets in various popular languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, and more. It simplifies the code creation process, allowing anyone to create code without the need to learn programming syntax.
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After purchasing, you will gain access to the prompt file which you can use with GPT or the app builder. You'll receive 20 free generation credits with this purchase. By purchasing this prompt, you agree to our terms of service.
1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
127 ($0.00380 / call)
Example input
[Description of task]: communicates my abilities to potential employers on my portfolio site
Example output
Given your request, I'd recommend starting with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These three are the foundational technologies used to create web pages and they're also relatively beginner-friendly. **HTML (HyperText Markup Language)** is used to structure content on the web. **CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)** is used for design to control the layout of web pages. **JavaScript** is used to make web pages dynamic and interactive. Here's a brief overview of the steps you'll need to take: ## Step 1: Setting Up Your Environment ### 1.1. Install a Text Editor A text editor is a tool you'll use to write your code. Some good text editors for beginners include: - [Visual Studio Code]( (Recommended) - [Sublime Text]( - [Atom]( ### 1.2. Install a Web Browser You'll need a web browser to view your web pages. Google Chrome is widely used and has developer-friendly tools. - [Google Chrome]( ### 1.3. Setup a Directory for Your Project Create a new directory on your computer where you'll store your website files. You can do this using the file explorer on your computer (like Windows Explorer on Windows or Finder on macOS). ## Step 2: Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript You can learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript online for free. Here are some recommended resources: - [Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Web Docs]( - [W3Schools]( - [freeCodeCamp]( ## Step 3: Creating Your Web Page Here is a simple example of what a web page might look like. Create a new file in your text editor, paste in the following code, save the file as `index.html` in your project directory, and then open it in your web browser. ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>My Portfolio</title> <style> body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to My Portfolio</h1> <p>Hello! I'm [Your Name]. I'm a beginner programmer and this is my portfolio website.</p> </body> </html> ``` In this example, HTML is used to structure the content (the `<head>`, `<body>`, `<h1>`, and `<p>` elements), CSS is used to style it (the `font-family` property in the `<style>` block), and we'd add JavaScript if we wanted to make the page interactive. ## Step 4: Hosting Your Portfolio When you're ready to share your portfolio with others, you'll need to host it somewhere. GitHub Pages and Netlify are popular (and free) options for hosting simple static websites. - [GitHub Pages]( - [Netlify]( Take this step by step, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or need any further explanations. It's okay if you don't understand everything right away - learning to code takes time and practice. Good luck!
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